11/10/2008 17:45 - Dampak Resesi AS
Liputan6.com, Padang: Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla kembali mengingatkan para pengusaha di Tanah Air agar tidak khawatir terhadap gejolak pasar modal menyusul ditutupnya Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tiga hari. Anjloknya perdagangan di pasar modal belum menggambarkan terancamnya perekonomian nasional.
Pernyataan itu disampaikan Kalla saat membuka acara silaturrahmi para saudagar Minang di Padang, Sumatra Barat, Sabtu (11/10). Pada kesempatan itu, Kalla justru mengingatkan para pengusaha agar tetap menjaga kekuatan internal. Keberadaan sektor riil pasar tradisional harus tetap dipertahankan.
Sebagai negara besar dengan konsumsi terbesar dan terboros di dunia, krisis keuangan Amerika Serikat tidak hanya merontokkan bursa saham. Tingkat konsumsi juga terus merosot hingga 40 persen. Dampaknya tidak hanya BEI tak kunjung dibuka, ekspor Indonesia ke AS juga terus turun. Gagal bayar makin membayangi eksportir.
Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia berharap pemerintah benar-benar memproteksi pasar dalam negeri dan mencari tujuan negara ekspor selain AS. Namun pemerintah justru kebingungan dengan hanya fokus menyelamatkan bursa. Salah satunya dengan membentuk task force untuk mencari penyebar isu yang menyebabkan bursa rontok.
Padahal ada yang lebih penting dari sekadar upaya menyelamatkan bursa. Sektor riil sebenarnya yang paling penting untuk dijaga. Perbankan berharap Bank Indonesia tidak kembali menaikkan suku bunga. Semua berharap keadaan cepat menjadi lebih baik. Seperti yang diminta Presiden berulangkali, agar semua pihak tenang, rasional, dan jernih menghadapi krisis pasar modal.(TOZ/Tim Liputan 6 SCTV)
Wapres Minta Pengusaha Tak Khawatir
10:13 PM | berita, bisnis, lifestyle : news, pengusaha with 0 komentar »How To Write A Successful Business Plan
10:09 PM | business, lifestyle : job, tips with 0 komentar »by: Jason Kay
Whether you are planning to start a brand-new business, expand an existing company, or get financing for a business venture, you will need to write a business plan. A business plan not only lends your business a sense of credibility, but also helps you to cover all your bases, increasing your chances of success.
Although writing a business plan can be a lengthy, intimidating project, it is not necessarily difficult. Here is an overview of how to write a successful business plan.
What to Include in Your Business Plan
Your business plan needs to demonstrate that you have thoroughly considered all aspects of running your business. To that end, the standard business plan has nine major sections, covering everything from your business’s mission statement to a detailed financial analysis.
Executive Summary
The first – and most important – section of your business plan is the executive summary. This section is so important that it should literally be the first thing the reader sees – even before the table of contents! However, it should also be written last, as you’ll have a better understanding of the overall message of your business plan after you’ve researched and written the other sections.
One of the most important parts of the executive summary is the mission statement. The mission statement is only three or four sentences long, but it should pack the most punch out of everything else in your business plan: Those four sentences are responsible for not only defining your business, but also capturing the interest of your reader.
The rest of your executive summary should fill in the important details that the mission statement glosses over. For instance, your executive summary should include a short history of the business, including founder profiles and start date; a current snapshot, listing locations, numbers of employees, and products or services offered; and a summary of future plans and goals.
This section is a candidate for a bulleted format, which allows you to list main points in a manner that is easy to scan. Avoid using too much detail – remember, this section is a summary. A page or two is usually sufficient for an executive summary.
Market Analysis
The next section of your business plan focuses on market analysis. In order to show that your business has a reasonable chance for success, you will need to thoroughly research the industry and the market you intend to sell to. No bank or investor is going to back a doomed venture, so this section is sure to fall under especially close scrutiny if you are looking for financing.
Your market analysis should describe your industry, including the size, growth rate, and trends that could affect the industry. This section should also describe your target market – that is, the type or group of customers that your company intends to serve. The description of your target market should include detail such as:
• Distinguishing characteristics
• The needs your company or product line will meet
• What media and/or marketing methods you’ll use to reach them
• What percentage of your target market you expect to be able to wrest away from your competitors
In addition, your market analysis should include the results of any market tests you have done, and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
Company Description
After your market analysis, your business plan will need to include a description of your company. This section should describe:
• The nature of your business
• The needs of the market
• How your business will meet these needs
• Your target market, including specific individuals and/or organizations
• The factors that set you apart from your competition and make you likely to succeed
Although some of these things overlap with the previous section, they are still necessary parts of your company description. Each section of your business plan should have the ability to stand on its own if need be. In other words, the company description should thoroughly describe your company, even if certain aspects are covered in other sections.
Organization and Management
Once you have described the nature and purpose of your company, you will need to explain your staff setup. This section should include:
• The division of labor – how company processes are divided among the staff
• The management hierarchy
• Profiles of the company’s owner(s), management personnel, and the Board of Directors
• Employee incentives, such as salary, benefits packages, and bonuses
This goal of this section is to demonstrate not only good organization within the company, but also the ability to create loyalty in your employees. Long-term employees minimize human resource costs and increase a business’s chances for success, so banks and investors will want to see that you have an effective system in place for maintaining your staff.
Marketing and Sales Management
The purpose of the marketing and sales section of your business plan is to outline your strategies for marketing your products or services. This section also plans for company growth by describing how the growth could take place.
The section should describe your company’s:
• Marketing methods
• Distributions methods
• Type of sales force
• Sales activities
• Growth strategies
Product or Services
Following the marketing section of your business plan, you will need a section focusing on the product or services your business offers. This is more than a simple description of your product or services, though. You will also need to include:
• The specific benefits your product or service offers customers
• The specific needs of the market, and how your product will meet them
• The advantages your product has over your competitors
• Any copyright, trade secret, or patent information pertaining to your product
• Where any new products or services are in the research and development process
• Current industry research that you could use in the development of products and services
Funding Request
Only once you have described your business from head to toe are you ready to detail your funding needs. This section should include everything a bank or investor needs in order to understand what type of funding you want:
• How much money you need now
• How much money you think you will need over the next five years
• How the money you borrow will be used
• How long you will need funding
• What type of funding you want (i.e. loans, investors, etc.)
• Any other terms you want the funding arrangement to include
The financials section in your business plan supports your request for outside funding. This section provides an analysis of your company’s prospective financial success. The section also details your company’s financial track record for the past three to five years, unless you are seeking financing for a startup business.
The financials section should include:
• Company income statements for prior years
• Balance sheets for prior years
• Cash flow statements for prior years
• Forecasted company income statements
• Forecasted balance sheets
• Forecasted cash flow statements
• Projections for the next five years – every month or quarter for the first year, with longer intervals for the remaining years
• Collateral you can use to secure a loan
The financials section is a great place to include visuals such as graphs, particularly if you predict a positive trend in your projected financials. A graph allows the reader to quickly take in this information, and may do a better job of encouraging a bank or investor to finance your business. However, be sure that the amount of financing you are requesting is in keeping with your projected financials – no matter how impressive your projections are, if you are asking for more money than is warranted, no bank or investor will give it to you.
The appendix is the final section in your business plan. Essentially, this is where you put all of the information that doesn’t fit in the other eight sections, but that someone – particularly a bank or investor – might need to see.
For instance, the market analysis section of your business plan may list the results of market studies you have done as part of your market research. Rather than listing the details of the studies in that section, where they will appear cumbersome and detract from the flow of your business plan, you can provide this information in an appendix.
Other information that should be relegated to an appendix includes:
• Credit histories for both you and your business
• Letters of reference
• References that have bearing on your company and your product or service, such as magazines or books on the topic
• Company licenses and patents
• Copies of contracts, leases, and other legal documents
• Resumes of your top managers
• Names of business consultants, such as your accountant and attorney
Writing a Successful Business Plan
Despite the quantity of information contained in your business plan, it should be laid out in a format that is easy to read. Just like with any piece of business writing, it is important to craft your business plan with your intended audience in mind – and the bankers, investors, and other busy professionals who will read your business plan almost certainly won’t have time to read a tedious document with long-winded paragraphs and large blocks of text.
Business plans for startup companies and company expansions are typically between twenty to forty pages long, but formatting actually accounts for a lot of this length. A strong business plan uses bullet points throughout to break up long sections and highlight its main points. Visuals such as tables and charts are also used to quickly relay specific information, such as trends in sales and other financial information. These techniques ensure that the reader can skim the business plan quickly and efficiently.
Think of your audience as only having fifteen minutes to spend on each business plan that comes across their desks. In that fifteen minutes, you not only have to relay your most important points, but also convince the reader that your business venture merits a financial investment. Your best bet is a well-researched business plan, with an organized, easy-to-read format and clear, confident prose.
About The Author
Jason Kay is a former professional business plan writer and provides business start up advice. He contributes to business magazines and websites such as http://BudgetBusinessPlans.com, which provides business plan writing services and business plan samples.
10/10/2008 18:03
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyatakan, krisis yang terjadi belakangan adalah krisis keuangan, belum bisa disebut krisis ekonomi. Karena itu, ia meminta masyarakat tak panik menyikapi kondisi bursa saham nasional yang ikut memburuk.
Yudhoyono menambahkan, krisis global ini mesti ditanggapi secara tenang dan jernih. Pertanyaannya, apakah penyikapan pemerintah Indonesia sendiri sejauh ini sudah membuat tenang rakyat? Kirim komentar Anda
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Ketika sel normal (A) rusak atau tua (2), mereka mengalami apoptosis (1); sel kanker (B) menghindari apoptosis dan terus membelah diri.
Kanker adalah segolongan penyakit yang ditandai dengan pembelahan sel yang tidak terkendali dan kemampuan sel-sel tersebut untuk menyerang jaringan biologis lainnya, baik dengan pertumbuhan langsung di jaringan yang bersebelahan (invasi) atau dengan migrasi sel ke tempat yang jauh (metastasis). Pertumbuhan yang tidak terkendali tersebut disebabkan kerusakan DNA, menyebabkan mutasi di gen
vital yang mengontrol pembelahan sel. Beberapa buah mutasi mungkin
dibutuhkan untuk mengubah sel normal menjadi sel kanker. Mutasi-mutasi
tersebut sering diakibatkan agen kimia maupun fisik yang disebut karsinogen. Mutasi dapat terjadi secara spontan (diperoleh) ataupun diwariskan (mutasi germline).Kanker
dapat menyebabkan banyak gejala yang berbeda, bergantung pada lokasinya
dan karakter dari keganasan dan apakah ada metastasis. Sebuah diagnosis
yang menentukan biasanya membutuhkan pemeriksaan mikroskopik jaringan yang diperoleh dengan biopsi. Setelah didiagnosis, kanker biasanya dirawat dengan operasi, kemoterapi dan/atau radiasi.
Bila tak terawat, kebanyakan kanker menyebabkan kematian; kanker adalah salah satu penyebab utama kematian di negara berkembang.
Kebanyakan kanker dapat dirawat dan banyak disembuhkan, terutama bila
perawatan dimulai sejak awal. Banyak bentuk kanker berhubungan dengan faktor lingkungan yang sebenarnya bisa dihindari. Merokok tembakau dapat menyebabkan banyak kanker dari faktor lingkungan lainnya.
Tumor (bahasa Latin;
pembengkakan) menunjuk massa jaringan yang tidak normal, tetapi dapat
berupa "ganas" (bersifat kanker) atau "jinak" (tidak bersifat kanker).
Hanya tumor ganas yang mampu menyerang jaringan lainnya ataupun
[sunting] Mendiagnosa kanker
Kebanyakan kanker dikenali karena tanda atau gejala tampak atau
melalui "screening". Kedua ini tidak menuju ke diagnosis yang jelas,
yang biasanya membutuhkan sebuah biopsi. Beberapa kanker ditemukan
secara tidak sengaja pada saat evaluasi medis dari masalah yang tak
[sunting] Riset kanker
Riset kanker
merupakan usaha ilmiah yang banyak ditekuni untuk memahami proses
penyakit dan menemukan terapi yang memungkinkan. Meskipun pemahaman
kanker memiliki tumbuh secara eksponen sejak dekade terakhir dari abad ke-20, terapi baru yang radikal hanya ditemukan dan diperkenalkan secara bertahap.
Penghambat tyrosine kinases (imatinib dan gefitinib) pada akhir 1990-an dianggap sebuah terobosan utama; mereka mengganggu terutama dengan protein tumor-tertentu. Antibodi monoclonal telah terbukti sebuah langkah besar dalam perawatan oncological.
[sunting] Lihat pula
[sunting] Referensi
- Catatan 1: Jemal A, Murray T, Ward E, Samuels A, Tiwari RC, Ghafoor A, Feuer EJ, Thun MJ. Cancer statistics, 2005. CA Cancer J Clin 2005;55:10-30. Fulltext
- Catatan 2: Cancer: Number one killer
- Catatan 3: Questions and Answers About Beta Carotene Chemoprevention Trials
- Catatan 4: Bilal A, Treating Cancer with Stem Cells, Medical Engineer, 25 July 2005 Fulltext
[sunting] Pranala luar
- Rumah Kanker
- Yayasan Kanker Indonesia
- [1]
- Hasil cari kanker di Medicastore.com
- Cancer Facts & Figures 2005
- American Cancer Society
- Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR)
- American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
- purports to be "the [United States'] leading charity in the field of
diet, nutrition and cancer", supporting research into dietary methods
for the prevention and treatment of cancer in addition to offering
educational resources. - Cancer
- provides links to news, general sites, diagnosis, treatment and
alternative therapies, clinical trials, research, related issues,
organizations, other MedlinePlus Cancers Topics - Cancer Medicine, 6th Edition
- Inflammatory Breast Cancer
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- The World Health Organisation's cancer site
- US National Cancer Institute
- Traditional Chinese Medicine--A Favored Adjunctive Therapy for American Cancer Patients
- Cancer Research UK - Information Resource Centre
- in-depth cancer information and resources for general interest,
cancer patients and professionals from the leading cancer charity in
the UK.
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
(Dialihkan dari Bisnis internet)
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Perdagangan elektronik atau e-dagang (bahasa Inggris: Electronic commerce, juga e-commerce) adalah penyebaran, pembelian, penjualan, pemasaran barang dan jasa melalui sistem elektronik seperti internet atau televisi, www, atau jaringan komputer lainnya. E-dagang dapat melibatkan transfer dana elektronik, pertukaran data elektronik, sistem manajemen inventori otomatis, dan sistem pengumpulan data otomatis.
Industri teknologi informasi melihat kegiatan e-dagang ini sebagai aplikasi dan penerapan dari e-bisnis (e-business) yang berkaitan dengan transaksi komersial, seperti: transfer dana secara elektronik, SCM (supply chain management), e-pemasaran (e-marketing), atau pemasaran online (online marketing), pemrosesan transaksi online (online transaction processing), pertukaran data elektronik (electronic data interchange /EDI), dll.
E-dagang atau e-commerce merupakan bagian dari e-business, di mana cakupan e-business lebih luas, tidak hanya sekedar perniagaan tetapi mencakup juga pengkolaborasian mitra bisnis, pelayanan nasabah, lowongan pekerjaan dll. Selain teknologi jaringan www, e-dagang juga memerlukan teknologi basisdata atau pangkalan data (databases), e-surat atau surat elektronik (e-mail), dan bentuk teknologi non komputer yang lain seperti halnya sistem pengiriman barang, dan alat pembayaran untuk e-dagang ini.
E-dagang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1994 pada saat pertama kali banner-elektronik dipakai untuk tujuan promosi dan periklanan di suatu halaman-web (website). Menurut Riset Forrester, perdagangan elektronik menghasilkan penjualan seharga AS$12,2 milyar pada 2003. Menurut laporan yang lain pada bulan oktober 2006 yang lalu, pendapatan ritel online yang bersifat non-travel di Amerika Serikat diramalkan akan mencapai seperempat trilyun dolar US pada tahun 2011.
Daftar isi
* 1 Sejarah perkembangan
* 2 Faktor kunci sukses dalam e-commerce
* 3 Masalah e-commerce
* 4 Perusahaan terkenal
* 5 Kecocokan barang
* 6 Lihat pula
* 7 Pranala luar
* 8 Referensi
[sunting] Sejarah perkembangan
Istilah "perdagangan elektronik" telah berubah sejalan dengan waktu. Awalnya, perdagangan elektronik berarti pemanfaatan transaksi komersial, seperti penggunaan EDI untuk mengirim dokumen komersial seperti pesanan pembelian atau invoice secara elektronik.
Kemudian dia berkembang menjadi suatu aktivitas yang mempunya istilah yang lebih tepat "perdagangan web" — pembelian barang dan jasa melalui World Wide Web melalui server aman (HTTPS), protokol server khusus yang menggunakan enkripsi untuk merahasiakan data penting pelanggan.
Pada awalnya ketika web mulai terkenal di masyarakat pada 1994, banyak jurnalis memperkirakan bahwa e-commerce akan menjadi sebuah sektor ekonomi baru. Namun, baru sekitar empat tahun kemudian protokol aman seperti HTTPS memasuki tahap matang dan banyak digunakan. Antara 1998 dan 2000 banyak bisnis di AS dan Eropa mengembangkan situs web perdagangan ini.
[sunting] Faktor kunci sukses dalam e-commerce
Dalam banyak kasus, sebuah perusahaan e-commerce bisa bertahan tidak hanya mengandalkan kekuatan produk saja, tapi dengan adanya tim manajemen yang handal, pengiriman yang tepat waktu, pelayanan yang bagus, struktur organisasi bisnis yang baik, jaringan infrastruktur dan keamanan, desain situs web yang bagus, beberapa faktor yang termasuk:
1. Menyediakan harga kompetitif
2. Menyediakan jasa pembelian yang tanggap, cepat, dan ramah.
3. Menyediakan informasi barang dan jasa yang lengkap dan jelas.
4. Menyediakan banyak bonus seperti kupon, penawaran istimewa, dan diskon.
5. Memberikan perhatian khusus seperti usulan pembelian.
6. Menyediakan rasa komunitas untuk berdiskusi, masukan dari pelanggan, dan lain-lain.
7. Mempermudah kegiatan perdagangan
[sunting] Masalah e-commerce
1. Penipuan dengan cara pencurian identitas dan membohongi pelanggan.
2. Hukum yang kurang berkembang dalam bidang e-commerce ini.
[sunting] Perusahaan terkenal
Perusahaan yang terkenal dalam bidang ini antara lain: eBay, Yahoo, Amazon.com, Google, dan Paypal.
[sunting] Kecocokan barang
Ada beberapa barang yang cocok dijual secara elektronik seperti barang elektronik kecil, musik, piranti lunak, fotografi, dll. Barang yang tidak cocok seperti barang yang memiliki rasio harga dan berat yang rendah, barang-barang yang perlu dibaui, dipegang, dicicip, dan lain-lain.
[sunting] Lihat pula
* M-dagang
* L-dagang
* Manajemen
* Pemasaran
[sunting] Pranala luar
* Informasi umum
o CIO's Ebusiness Research Center
o NetAcademy on Electronic Markets
* Berita ecommerce
o Ecommerce Guide
o Ecommerce Best Practices (B2B)
o Ecommerce Times
* Keamanan
o ECommerce Safety - A Quick Overview
* Kewaspadaan dan pendidikan konsumen
o North American Consumer Project on Electronic Commerce (NACPEC)
[sunting] Referensi
* Chaudhury, Abijit & Jean-Pierre Kuilboer (2002), e-Business and e-Commerce Infrastructure, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-247875-6
* Kessler, M. (2003). More shoppers proceed to checkout online. Retrieved January 13, 2004
* Seybold, Pat (2001), Customers.com, Crown Business Books (Random House), ISBN 0-609-60772-3
Kompas/Lucky Pransiska
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Rabu, 8 Oktober 2008 | 11:45 WIB
JAKARTA, RABU - Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) melakukan penghentian sementara perdagangan saham karena penurunan indeks yang terlalu besar, mencapai 10,38 persen. "Ya, perdagangan disuspen," kata Direktur Utama BEI Erry Firmansyah secara singkat, Rabu (8/10).
BEI melakukan suspensi perdagangan pada pukul 11.06 karena Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun tajam sebesar 168,052 poin menjadi 1.451,669 dan indeks LQ45 terkoreksi 38,261 atau 11,86 persen ke posisi 284,236.
Penurunan indeks BEI ini mengikuti bursa global regional yang diakibatkan oleh krisis keuangan AS, apalagi The Fed, bank sentral AS, juga tidak bisa meyakinkan para investor sehingga bursa AS dengan indeks Dow Jones-nya yang melorot 5,11 persen atau 508,38 poin menjadi 9.447,11. Anjloknya bursa AS ini langsung diikuti oleh bursa regional dan termasuk Indonesia yang terkoreksi paling dalam sehingga suspensi diberlakukan oleh otoritas bursa.
Untuk bursa regional yang mengalami penurunan besar, di antaranya bursa Hongkong dengan indeks Hang Seng yang terkoreksi 944,21 poin (5,62 persen) ke 15.854,17, bursa Tokyo dengan indeks Nikkei 225 terpangkas 584,35 poin (5,75 persen) ke 9.571,54, dan indeks Straits Times di bursa Singapura yang anjlok 108,17 poin (4,97 persen) ke 2.069,37.
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Mon, 21/07/2008 - 13:55 — Vavai
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Category: Humor Umum
Suatu hari, telepon berdering dan seorang anak kecil menjawab.
"Apakah saya bisa bicara dengan orang tuamu?" "Mereka sedang sibuk."
"Oh. Apakah ada orang lain di sana?" "Ada.. Bapak Polisi."
"Apakah saya bisa bicara dengannya?" "Maaf..Mereka sedang sibuk."
"Oh. Apakah ada orang lain lagi di sana?" "Ada..Petugas pemadam kebakaran."
"Apakah saya bisa bicara dengannya?" "Mereka juga sedang sibuk."
"Coba saya luruskan -- orang tuamu, polisi, dan petugas pemadam kebakaran ada di sana, tapi mereka semua sedang sibuk? Apa yang sedang mereka lakukan?"
"Mereka menjagaku semua."
09/10/2008 18:52 - Tradisi
Liputan6.com, Jepara: Ribuan warga Jepara, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (9/10), mengikuti pesta lomban yang merupakan bagian dari tradisi tahunan Syawalan. Puncak Syawalan itu dimeriahkan dengan larung sesaji ke laut dan perang ketupat yang dilakukan masyarakat nelayan.
Didahului doa-doa, sesajen kemudian dilarung di tengah laut. Sontak para nelayan terjun ke laut saling berebut sesajen. Sebagian nelayan mengambil air laut tempat sesajen dilarung untuk disiramkan ke perahunya agar ikan tangkapan mereka melimpah.
Kemeriahan belum usai. Saat perang klepet dan ketupat, para nelayan melemparkan makanan itu ke para penumpang sebuah kapal yang baru merapat di pelabuhan. Meski kaget dan sebagian terkena lemparan tidak ada penumpang kapal yang marah mendapat serangan mendadak ini.
Perang klepet ketupat menggambarkan konflik antarmasyarakat pada zaman penjajahan yang kemudian dilerai pemimpin masyarakat saat itu. Rebutan tumpeng yang disusun klepet dan ketupat mengakhiri pesta lomban. Warga berdesak-desakan untuk mendapatkan ketupat.
Pesta lomban adalah bagian dari tradisi tahunan Syawalan yang digelar sepekan setelah Hari Raya Idulfitri. Konon pesta lomban ini dimulai sejak tahun 1883.(JUM/Yudi Sutomo dan Taufan Yudha)
Traders in London on October 8
Shares earlier got a brief respite before investors resumed selling.
Stock markets have lost ground, erasing earlier gains as nervous investors remained concerned that the financial crisis would lead to a world recession.
On Wall Street, the Dow Jones was down 0.43% despite opening higher.
European shares followed their US counterparts lower, with the FTSE 100 ending down 1.2% and France's Cac 40 down 1.55% by the close of trade.
Investors had earlier taken some comfort from Wednesday's co-ordinated rate cuts and a UK bank rescue plan.
We've had a few false dawns over the past couple of months and it's too early to call a complete recovery, but there's hope that these measures will get some traction at some point
Richard Hunter
Hargreaves Lansdown stockbrokers
Check UK bank shares
More guarantees
As the turbulent week continued, in other developments:
* The IMF head said the world economy was on the "cusp of a recession". Dominique Strauss-Kahn called on countries to work in joint action and forecast that a slow recovery would begin in the second half of 2009.
* The British Bankers' Association said the interbank cost of borrowing overnight had fallen - a day after interest rate cuts and governments provided additional liquidity. However, longer-term lending rates rose to their highest this year.
* Iceland suspended trading on its OMX Nordic Exchange until Monday, citing "unusual market conditions". Earlier, its largest bank, Kaupthing, became the third financial institution to be taken over by the country's government in the past week.
* Ireland extended its guarantee of bank deposits to cover savings in Irish branches of five foreign-owned institutions Northern Ireland's Ulster Bank, British-owned First Active and HBOS, Belgium's IIB Bank and German-owned Postbank.
* Gordon Brown wrote to G7 and EU leaders suggesting that the UK government's bank rescue plan could be a template for other nations to help unfreeze credit markets.
* US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warned that some banks will still fail despite the $700bn (£406bn) rescue package to shore up the financial system.
* Dexia shares jumped 25% after France, Belgium and Luxembourg announced they would provide state guarantees for its borrowings.
* UK Chancellor Alistair Darling flew to the US to discuss the co-ordinated cutting of interest rates by six central banks.
* In Asia, Japan's Nikkei index ended lower after Prime Minister Taro Aso urged more action to boost the country's economy - on top of a 2 trillion yen ($19.5bn; £11.5bn) stimulus plan already put forward.
* After trading on Russian stock markets had been suspended following sharp share falls earlier this week, they were again halted - this time after stocks climbed too high after trade resumed.
'False dawns'
Seven central banks on Wednesday cut interest rates in an effort to steady the faltering global economy.
It came after the UK government's announcement of a package of measures aimed at rescuing the banking system.
This package makes available £400bn ($692bn) of fresh money.
There was "an air of cautious optimism" that such measures would have some impact on the financial crisis, said Richard Hunter, head of UK equities at Hargreaves Lansdown stockbrokers.
"Banking shares have been the main beneficiaries of the UK's rescue plan, and the interest rate cuts," he added.
"We've had a few false dawns over the past couple of months and it's too early to call a complete recovery, but there's hope that these measures will get some traction at some point."
FTSE 100 INDEX: 9 October 2008
FTSE 100 intraday chart
*All Times GMT
More rate cuts
Japan's benchmark Nikkei lost 0.5% or 45.83 points to close at 9,157.5.
Shares had been ahead for most of trading after the Bank of Japan injected two trillion yen into the money markets in an effort to calm fears.
But Mr Aso's call for further action prompted a sell-off.
The Nikkei had suffered its biggest one-day drop in 21 years on Wednesday, with the index shedding nearly 10% of its value.
In Sydney, Australia's main share index fell 1.8%, but Hong Kong's Hang Seng index added 3.3% after its central bank announced a half a percentage point cut to its interest rate, taking it to 2%.
South Korea's stock market climbed after the central bank announced an interest rate cut of a quarter of a percentage point.
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
Stocks rebound
News that the U.S. may take a stake in troubled banks, IBM surprise boost equities.
Subscribe to Markets
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See all CNNMoney.com RSS FEEDS (close) By Aaron Smith, CNNMoney.com staff writer
Last Updated: October 9, 2008: 9:42 AM ET
Business lending falls again
Stocks mixed after selloff
Why taxpayers should own banks
Iceland suspends trading for 2 days
Jobless claims fall from 7-year high
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Stocks jumped at the open Thursday, as investors welcomed IBM's earnings report and talk that the government could take a stake in troubled banks, in the latest attempt to stabilize financial markets.
A rally in European markets helped too.
The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU), the Standard & Poor's 500 (SPX) index and the Nasdaq composite (COMP) all gained in the early going.
Markets have gotten hammered this week, with the Dow industrials shedding roughly 1,600 in the past week. And Wednesday wasn't much better. It was another disappointing session despite a half-point rate cut from the Federal Reserve. Stocks were volatile amid market turmoil in Europe and Asia. The Dow ended trading with a slump of 200 points, or 2%, while the Nasdaq dropped nearly 1%.
The Labor Department said initial claims for unemployment fell by 20,000 to 478,000 in the week ended Oct. 4. That's slightly worse than the 475,000 expected by economists surveyed by Briefing.com.
Much of what had been pushing markets higher was "the IBM effect and a technical bounce from new lows" in the stock market, said Peter Cardillo, economist for Avalon Partners, before the jobless report came out.
On Wednesday, IBM (IBM, Fortune 500) surprised investors by releasing its quarterly results earlier than expected.
Big Blue reported a 20% jump in third-quarter profit to $2.05 a share, handily topping analyst estimates by 4 cents a share. IBM also reaffirmed its full-year outlook. Shares of IBM rose 3% Thursday morning.
Cardillo also said the markets could also be getting relief from "a new government intervention by taking a stake in some of the banks."
To help bolster the markets, the Bush administration is considering taking ownership stakes in certain U.S. banks, as part of the $700 billion bailout package that was approved last week, according to the Associated Press.
Also, the New York Federal Reserve said late Wednesday that it is lending up to $37.8 billion to AIG, just three weeks after the Fed extended an $85 billion taxpayer-funded credit line to the troubled insurance giant. AIG (AIG, Fortune 500) recently disclosed that it had already taken out $61 billion of the debt.
Meanwhile, credit markets remain tight as lenders stay wary of taking on any unnecessary risk. Libor, the overnight bank lending rate, slipped to the still-high 5.09% from the previous rate of 5.38%, according to Bloomberg.com data. The 3-month Libor rate rose to 4.75% from 4.52%.
Economy: At 10 a.m. ET, the Census Bureau will report its August sales and inventory statistics for wholesale inventories. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com expect a gain of 0.4%, compared to a gain of 1.4% in July.
Markets, money and oil: The Nikkei closed down about 0.5%, but markets were higher in London, Frankfurt and Paris, rallying after a dismal Wednesday that was trailing the turmoil of the U.S. markets. The U.S. dollar slipped against the euro and the British pound but rose against the yen. The price of oil traded within a narrow range, dropping 32 cents a barrel to $88.63.
First Published: October 9, 2008: 7:02 AM ET
The Fed's emergency rate cut
AIG hits up Fed for more money
What this economy means for you
For states, it's a 'worst-case scenario'
Terry doubtful for England match
10:43 PM | football, lifestyle : olahragaku, sport with 0 komentar »World Cup 2010 qualifying Group Six: England v Kazakhstan
Venue: Wembley Date: Saturday, 11 October Kick-off: 1715 BST Coverage: BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Sport website. Live on ITV1
Skipper Terry is desperate to be fit for Saturday's sell-out tie at Wembley
England captain John Terry remains a major doubt for Saturday's World Cup qualifier with Kazakhstan because of a recurring back injury.
The 27-year-old Chelsea defender did not train on Thursday after failing to complete Wednesday's session.
It is the second day of training Terry has been forced to miss after he sat out the workout on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Wigan striker Emile Heskey resumed training after also suffering from a back problem and is set to play.
The 30-year-old had joined Terry on the sidelines on Wednesday.
As much as I think Gerrard is England's best player, I wouldn't change the team if possible
Terry suffered a recurrence of his back injury in Chelsea's Champions League tie against CFR Cluj last week and required more treatment in the Premier League match against Aston Villa on Sunday.
Reports suggest the 27-year-old will not be fit in time for the game with Kazakhstan and could struggle to recover in time for Wednesday's match against Belarus in Minsk.
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Rooney says the sell-out Wembley crowd will help
Either Matthew Upson or Joleon Lescott could come in to partner Rio Ferdinand in central defence.
If Terry is ruled out, Ferdinand is also likely to be given the chance to lead out his country again.
The Manchester United defender was in the running to become the permanent England captain before Capello decided to hand the armband to Terry in August.
BBC Radio 5 Live football correspondent Jonathan Legard said: "It now appears Terry's problem needs more than the three days' rest as recommended by his Chelsea coach Luiz Felipe Scolari.
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News conference: Peter Crouch
"On club form, you would have thought Upson rather than Lescott would be favourite to replace him alongside Ferdinand, who would wear the captain's armband."
With Joe Cole out with a foot injury, it is believed Capello will ditch the plan of having a holding midfielder, the role Gareth Barry performed against Croatia, and pair Steven Gerrard with Frank Lampard in central midfield.
Theo Walcott is set to retain his place on the right after scoring a memorable hat-trick against Croatia in Zagreb in September.
Heskey, if passed fit, is again expected to partner Wayne Rooney in attack, although Capello also has the recalled Peter Crouch as an option up front.
How do you deal with criticism? The first reaction for many of us is to defend ourselves, or worse yet to lash back. And yet, while criticism can be taken as hurtful and demoralizing, it can also be viewed in a positive way: it is honesty, and it can spur us to do better. It’s an opportunity to improve and build up our true talents.
[edit] StepsStop your first reaction. If your first reaction is to lash back at the person giving the criticism, or to become defensive, take a minute before reacting at all. Take a deep breath, and give it a little thought. For example, let a critical email sit in your in-box for at least an hour before replying. Or walk away from someone instead of saying something you’ll regret later. That cooling off time allows you to give it a little more thought beyond your initial reaction. It allows logic to step in, past the emotion. This is not a criticism against emotion, but when it’s a negative emotion, sometimes it can cause more harm than good. So let your emotions run their course, and then respond when you feel calmer.
Turn a negative into a positive. One of the keys to success in anything you do is the ability to find positive things in things that most people see as a negative. Sickness forces you to stop your exercise program? That’s a welcome rest. Tired of your job? That’s a time to rediscover what’s important and to look for a better job. Super typhoon ruined all your possessions? This allows you to realize that your stuff isn’t important, and to be thankful that your loved ones are still alive and safe. You can do the same thing with criticism: find the positive in it. Sure, it may be rude and mean, but in most criticism, you can find a nugget of gold: honest feedback and a suggestion for improvement.
See it as an opportunity to improve — and without that constant improvement, we are just sitting still. Improvement is a good thing. For example, this criticism: “You write about the same things over and over and your blog posts are boring and stale", can be read: “I need to increase the variety of my posts and find new ways of looking at old things.” That’s just one example of course — you can do that with just about any criticism. Sometimes it’s just someone having a bad day, but many times there’s at least a grain of truth in the criticism.
Thank the critic. Even if someone is harsh and rude, thank them. They might have been having a bad day, or maybe they’re just a negative person in general. But even so, your attitude of gratitude will probably catch them off-guard. Thanking a critic can actually win a few of them over. All because of a simple act of saying thank you for the criticism. It’s unexpected, and often appreciated. And even if the critic doesn’t take your “thank you” in a good way, it’s still good to do — for yourself. It’s a way of reminding yourself that the criticism was a good thing for you, a way of keeping yourself humble.
Learn from the criticism. After seeing criticism in a positive light, and thanking the critic, don’t just move on and go back to business as usual. Actually try to improve. That’s a difficult concept for some people, because they often think that they’re right no matter what. But no one is always right. You, in fact, may be wrong, and the critic may be right. So see if there’s something you can change to make yourself better. And then make that change. Actually strive to do better. You'll end up being glad you made the extra effort.
Be the better person. Too many times we take criticism as a personal attack, as an insult to who we are. But it’s not. Well, perhaps sometimes it is, but we don’t have to take it that way. Take it as a criticism of your actions, not your person. If you do that, you can detach yourself from the criticism emotionally and see what should be done. But the way that many of us handle the criticisms that we see as personal attacks is by attacking back. “I’m not going to let someone talk to me that way.” Especially if this criticism is made in public, such as in the comments of a blog or on a forum. You have to defend yourself, and attack the attacker … right? Wrong. By attacking the attacker, you are stooping to his level. Even if the person was mean or rude, you don’t have to be the same way. You don’t have to commit the same sins. Be the better person.
Stay calm and positive. If you can rise above the petty insults and attacks, and respond in a calm and positive manner to the meat of the criticism, you will be the better person. And guess what? There are two amazing benefits of this:
Others will admire you and think better of you for rising above the attack. Especially if you remain positive and actually take the criticism well.
You will feel better about yourself. By participating in personal attacks, we dirty ourselves. But if we can stay above that level, we feel good about who we are. And that’s the most important benefit of all.
Rise above the criticism. How do you stay above the attacks and be the better person? By removing yourself from the criticism, and looking only at the actions criticized. By seeing the positive in the criticism, and trying to improve. By thanking the critic. And by responding with a positive attitude. A quick example:
Someone criticizes something you have written by saying, “You’re an idiot. I don’t understand what x has to do with y.” A good typical response should be to ignore the first sentence. And second, to say something like, “Thanks for giving me an opportunity to clarify that. I don’t think I made it as clear as I should have. What x has to do with y is … blah blah. Thanks for the great question!” And by ignoring the insult, taking it as an opportunity to clarify, thanking the critic, using the opportunity to explain your point further, and staying positive, you have accepted the criticism with grace and appreciation. And in doing so, remained the better person, and you will feel great about yourself.
[edit] TipsIf the criticism persists, use nonviolent communication to make it stop. There are some people who are difficult to deal with, but when they fail to get a reaction from you, they will eventually stop or leave you alone. Plus, others will learn from your example.
[edit] WarningsIf you are being constantly attacked, bullied, or verbally abused, you will need to take greater measures to make it stop, such as reporting the person to an authority figure.
[edit] Related wikiHowsHow to Accept Criticism
How to Accept Criticism While at Work
How to Give Constructive Criticism
How to Deal With Message Board Criticism
How to Respond to Personal Attacks on wikiHow
[edit] Sources and CitationsOriginal source of article from the very generous Zen Habits. Please feel free to visit and support copyright free information providers.
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Big Blue's preliminary results show a healthy bottom line in spite of sales that were virtually flat compared with the previous year.
By Paul McDougall
October 9, 2008 10:18 AM
IBM said Wednesday that third-quarter earnings per share rose 22% year over year to come in at $2.05, beating Wall Street's estimate of $2.01. Revenue, however, fell short of analysts' forecasts. Sales for the quarter increased just 2%, excluding currency benefits, to $25.3 billion, falling short of the $26.53 billion average estimate.
IBM also said it's on track to meet earlier guidance on its full-year results for 2008. It reaffirmed earnings per share of at least $8.75, up 22% from the previous year.
IBM's gross profit margin for the third quarter was 43.3%, up 5% from a year ago. Pre-tax income rose 19% year over year to 3.9 billion. As of the end of the period, the company's free cash flow stood at $6.4 billion while its cash balance was $9.8 billion.
"Our results demonstrate that the combination of a steady base of recurring revenue and profits, investments for growth in emerging markets, a range of products and services that deliver value to clients, and a strong and flexible financial foundation give IBM a competitive edge in good times and tough times," said IBM chairman and CEO Sam Palmisano, in a statement.
"We remain confident in our full-year outlook," Palmisano added.
IBM released the numbers ahead of schedule, a sign that the company is anxious to signal its health to nervous financial markets. IBM plans to deliver a full earnings report on Oct. 16.
Shares of IBM were up 1.84% to $92.22 in morning trading Thursday as technology stocks led a modest rebound in the financial markets.
Customizing Comments and Revisions Tracking in Microsoft Word
10:22 PM | news, technology : software computer program with 0 komentar »10.07.08
Total posts: 2
No one uses comments and revisions tracking because they're fun. So how can you make these workplace tools work better for you?
by Neil Randall
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If you collaborate on documents, you already know that Word's reviewing features—Comment and Track Changes—are vital tools. But you don't have to accept the default configurations for these tools. With a few clicks, you can customize them to your liking.
To begin, click Review in the menu bar to reveal the Review bar. Highlight a word and click New Comment, then type a comment. By default, Word uses the Calibri typeface in comments, but you can change this just as you would with regular text, in the Font slab of the Home ribbon. For a permanent change, modify the style called Comment Text: On the Home bar, click the small expansion icon on the bottom right of the Styles section, and click the Manage Styles icon at bottom middle of the resulting Styles window. Scroll to the Comment Text entry and double-click to bring up the Modify Style dialog. Make your change to the typeface, and click OK. Your comments will now appear in that typeface.
If you used the options available in the Home tab to change the typeface of a single comment and want to update the style, you can change Comment Text by right-clicking on the comment in the Reviewing Pane, then choosing Styles | Update Comment Text to Match Selection.
Better Revision Tracking
Word's Track Changes feature shows you not only everything that's been changed in the document by other collaborators but also everything you change as you type. Toggling the feature on is a simple matter of clicking the Track Changes icon on the Review bar, but you don't have to accept the default configuration—you can customize it in numerous useful ways.
Before diving in to the customizations, I need to address an odd decision Microsoft made with Word 2007. Users of previous versions may have been used to clicking the small TRK icon in the status bar at the bottom of the Word window. One click to track changes, one click to stop—convenient. To get that function back, right-click on the status bar and click Track Changes.
You have several options for displaying changes within a document, and most people find they have a definite preference. Decide whether you want your changes to appear inline (in the text itself), in a separate reviewing pane, or as balloons outside the text. If the last, you can have all revisions appear in balloons or only your formatting changes and your comments. To toggle the Reviewing Pane on and off, click the Reviewing Pane item on the Review bar; click its down arrow to switch between a vertical (left-side) or a horizontal (along the bottom) pane.
Revisions shown inline.
Comments in the reviewing pane.
Comments and revisions shown in balloons.
Revisions shown inline, comments shown in balloons.
No matter where your edits and comments appear, you can act on them identically: Right-click the edit in the balloon, the Reviewing Pane, or the text, and accept or reject the change. (A very unfortunate change in Word 2007 is the elimination of the plain old Accept and Reject buttons; clicking on Accept or Reject performs the chosen action and then moves on to the next revision. To avoid moving on, you must click the arrow next to the button. It's a whole procedure; I find right-clicking easier.)
The most generally overlooked set of customizations appears under the Show Markup item on the Review bar. Clicking this item reveals a list of items you can include or exclude in your document when reviewing is turned on. Most are immediately clear: You can show—or decline to show—comments, insertions and deletions, and formatting changes. You can remove the vertical highlight (the shaded area) in the markup area on the right side of the screen. The other two items are less obvious. The first lets you show or hide Ink annotations (made by a stylus on a tablet PC). And the bottom choice, Reviewers, is the most useful. As collaborators change the document, it can fill with text and annotations of various colors; Reviewers lets you hide the comments from whichever reviewers you wish, letting you zero in on the work of specific collaborators. You can even check one or more reviewers and then use the rest of the Show Markup menu to display only specific types of markups from them.
Clicking the Track Changes label below the icon and then choosing Change Tracking Options gives you access to a wide range of options. By default, for example, Track Changes displays each insertion with an underline and each deletion with a strikethrough, but you can make either or both of these bold, italic, or double underlines instead or simply display it in a specific color. Also by default, text that you move from one location to another in the document is displayed with a double strikethrough at its origin point and a double underline at its destination, but you can change these designations as well, including hiding the original (useful with large text moves, which otherwise can make the document nearly unreadable). Moved text also appears in green by default, but a drop-down menu lets you customize the color for both the original text and the text once it's moved.
Finally, several options are available to you at print time. Near the bottom left of Word's Print dialog is a drop-down menu labeled Print what:. Clicking here reveals two options tied to the reviewing features. Document Showing Markup prints your document with all the changes you've tracked. List of Markup prints only the changes made in the document and the username of the person who made each change, without any context.
Word's reviewing features are powerful. But with numerous collaborators your documents can become difficult to read and interpret. Using the numerous customization features lets you select only the features you need.
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Testicles could provide 'ethical' stem cells
09 October 2008
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Men may wince at the thought, but biopsies from human testicles have yielded stem cells that can be turned into virtually any cell in the body.
The hope is that tissue created from stem cells derived from a patient's testicles would not be rejected when implanted elsewhere in the body. What's more, such cells would avoid the ethical concerns surrounding embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which have the same therapeutic potential.
A team led by Thomas Skutella at the University of Tübingen in Germany harvested spermatogonial cells, which normally mature into sperm, from men and used a series of chemicals to turn them into various cell types (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature07404). "We made them into skin, structures of the gut, cartilage, bone, muscle and neurons," says Skutella.
Taking cells from the testicles sounds painful, but Skutella says such biopsies are routine in men undergoing infertility treatment. "Skin biopsies might sound more acceptable, but it hurts just as much as from the testes," he says.
In 2006, it was shown that mouse spermatogonial cells are ESC-like. Skutella's corresponding feat in humans is "a home run" that "bypasses the ethical and immunological problems associated with ESCs", says Robert Lanza, a stem-cell specialist at Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Other researchers caution that more work is needed, as Skutella's cells do not express all the molecular markers associated with ESCs. "They are not identical to embryonic stem cells," says Austin Smith of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research at the University of Cambridge.
Stem Cells - Learn more about the promise and the controversy in our cutting edge special report .
From issue 2677 of New Scientist magazine, 09 October 2008, page 4
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for a treat. Best of all, you don't even have to spend too
much energy reading them throughout, as their structure
allows you to skip directly to the chapter you're
interested in.
Good Luck in your business!
Best Regards,
Anil Vij
2417 Jericho Turnpike
Garden City
NY 11040
United States
Besides allowing you to easily submit your articles to
hundreds of E-zines with just a couple of clicks, Blast
Articles also offers a wide range of SEO (Search Engine
Optimization tools that will help you blaze through the
ranks of popular search engines. Here's a list of the SEO
tools provided by Blast Articles and a short description of
what they do:
Link Popularity - on most of the major search engines,
there's a way of checking your website's link popularity
the link count towards your site). This tool will instantly
use the specific link popularity command with all major
search engines (such as Google Search, Yahoo Search, MSN
Search or Teoma) and get a total link count for your website.
Domain Typo Generator - not everyone will get to your
website through a search engine or a link. Some will simply
type the address in their browsers and there's a chance they
w ill mistype, thus leading them to a completely different
domain. One of the best examples in this case is
www.google.com, which is often misspelled www.gooOgle.com.
Being bought by Google, the misspelled domain redirects to
the main one. This tool gives you a rough idea on what
people could mistype when searching for your website, thus
giving you a chance to buy those specific domains and
redirect to your main one.
Keyword Density - A large part of SEO revolves around
keywords and this tool helps you optimize your keyword
density to the last detail. Simply specify one of your
content pages and enter the keyword you want checked and
this tool will show you its density.
Keyword Suggestions for Google - If you're building a site
around "exercise machines" for example, you will want to
know what people usually check for in relation to your term.
This keyword suggestion tool will show you the keywords that
are searched for on Google in relation to your term.
PageRank Search - In order to view the PageRank of a page,
you would have to install the Google Toolbar, which clogs up
some of your browser's screen and it only works on specific
browsers (IE6 ). This tool allows you to view the PageRank
value of all sites related to a search term you input,
without the hassle of installing Google's Toolbar.
Future PageRank - This tool queries several of Google's
data-centers and returns the PageRank results for a certain
URL as well as any changes in the rank.
Meta Analyzer - You can easily check a website's meta tags
with the help of this tool. Whether you use it on your own
site to check the health of your meta tags, or on a
competitor's site to "steal" a couple of keyword or
description ideas, is entirely up to you.
Meta Tag Generator - Skip the hassle of thinking up and
creating meta tags for your website with the help of this
Keyword Typo Generator - Sometimes, you'll intentionally
want to insert misspelled keywords on your website, in order
to attract the small amount of people that accidentally
search for them. If you're running out of misspelling ideas,
this tool will help you out.
Keyword Optimizer - Anyone that ended up with a huge list of
keywords knows the pain of having to sort them and remove
duplicate or similar keywords. This tool will save you a lot
of time and frustration, but doing these things for you.
Keyword Suggestions for Overture - This tool searches
Overture's database of searched terms on a given key-term
that you provide.
PageRank Lookup - No more Google Toolbar and individual page
checks in order to get your PageRank values. This tool will
return the PageRank value for a list of web pages you
Site Link Analyzer - This tool will analyze a given web-page
and return a table of data containing columns of outbound
links and their associated anchor text.
Google Dance - Google indexing and updating of websites is
initially done on several test-servers before being uploaded
on the main Google server found at www.google.com. This tool
analyzes the "Google Dance" of indexes on these test
servers, so you can predict up front how your website will
do in the future update.
Best Regards,
Anil Vij
2417 Jericho Turnpike
Garden City
NY 11040
United States
How To Waste Money On SEO
Writing by Nick Stamoulis on Sunday, 7 of September , 2008 at 8:45 am
SEO is a time consuming business at the best of times, however there are some SEO practices that are simply a waste of money. In fact, I would go so far as to say they are a total scam.
As you tour the web I am sure you have come across many ads claiming real SEO miracles - at a cost. Some suggest they can get your site to the front page of the search results in seven days. Others claim to be able to submit your site to hundreds of directories - for a fee.
The reality is that most of the activities mentioned will, in the long run, do more damage than good. One of the more recent search engine optimization scams is one that has been around for a long time. Over the last month I have seen an upsurge in the advertising including emails and advertising in newsletters. This is a claim to submit your site to hundreds of search engines.
They make the process sound good by stating that they will submit your site on a weekly basis - yes, for a fee. I can tell you now, submitting your site on a weekly basis will not improve your rankings. Search engines don’t need prompting to come and visit - they do it often depending on how frequently you update the content.
Most of these services are, to be friendly, a waste of money. They are unnecessary and in the long run likely to be counterproductive. If you want your site spidered by a search engine, submit a sitemap. As far as submitting to ’several hundred’ search engines, the reality is that 70-80% of all search engines rely on the big three for results anyway.
When it comes to SEO, you cannot buy a quick fix. You can however pay for a sustainable SEO program that will gain you extra traffic by lifting your search results placement on a long term basis
Amerika yang Sakit, Indonesia Kena Getahnya
11:55 PM | Amerika, ekonomi, getah, lifestyle : news with 0 komentar »Otoritas Bursa Efek Indonesia akhirnya menghentikan perdagangan karena kuatnya sentimen negatif yang merontokkan sebagian besar saham. Kekacauan pasar saham Rabu (08/10), tidak lepas dari pengaruh krisis keuangan di Amerika yang akhirnya sedikit menjadi kenyataan. Padahal sebelumnya berulang kali Presiden meyakinkan krisis Amerika tidak perlu dikhawatirkan berimbas ke perekonomian Indonesia. Apakah keyakinan pemerintah keliru?
1 - The Submission Equalizer! Instantly Submit All Of Your Websites To This Exclusive Hand-Picked List of 2050+ Search Engines, Directories, and Classified Sites To Quickly and Easily Send You Gobs and GOBS of Fresh Traffic Whenever You Want!"
2 - Be A Social Bookmarking Master: "Get Unlimited Supply Of High PR Backlinks And Laser Targeted Traffic From Major Bookmarking Sites...All Done In Minutes On Autopilot!"
3 - Dominate Google Rankings! Amazing Results....30 Out Of the Top 50 Results in Google......In Under 48 Hours! Copy and follow these easy steps. See how to dominate for products before they are even released.
4 - 1% M.o.l.b. Online Wealth Formula: Former Army Combat Soldier Turns Affiliate Commando And Makes $541,839 with his Affiliate Mega-Bomb. Imagine $1,165.24 Added to Your Account......Every Single Day....For 15 Months Straight!
There are lots of tricks and secrets to getting good rankings and #1, #2 and #3 are a great way to get an edge over your competition.
#4 is more about ways to have a profitable online business.
Until next time!
~ Wesley
1029 Long Isles
Lewisville, TX
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The blastarticles.com system is very simple. You write the
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articles to hundreds of ezine publishers.
You will also have the option of including your site to
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The complete setup of your account takes le ss than
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There is no simpler article submission service in the
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Garden City
NY 11040
United States
Link popularity being the factor that is taken into account
by the leading search engines, while producing the Search
Engine Results Page, link exchange softwares have gained
much importance and significance because of the capability
of link exchange softwares to modify and upload links
automatically. The reciprocal link exchange program of
link exchange softwares makes the tedious task of link
exchange look like a piece of cake.
Most of the renowned link exchange softwares have many
features in common. Several strikingly good link exchange
softwares have a control panel that can create an HTML or
PHP directory that displays all of the link partners and
displays which partners are reciprocal linking to that
particular website too. Link exchange softwares are the
b est in attracting traffic from different sources and can
perform the link exchange process at any time of the day.
Link exchange is the best form of advertising since most
link exchange softwares are available free of cost, though
some link exchange management services require the
webmaster to remit a monthly fee to build the website's
Link exchange softwares even have algorithms that can help
a website improve his link popularity and thus increase
its PageRank. Link exchange softwares can organize and
manage reciprocal links with much ease. The reciprocal
link checker program of the link exchange software helps
spider the domains and verifies whether a link to the
registered website is present on all sites listed in its
links page.
Once the link exchange software finds a Webmaster that is
not linking to the registered site, it automatically sends
an e-mail to that Webmaster warning him to add the link
back. A part of the algorithm of all link exchange
softwares includes sending e-mail notifications to the
Webmaster of the registered site, at every step of the
link exchange process such as about a link exchange
request, approval/rejection email to submitters, requests
to webmasters to add your link back if they removed it.
Link exchange softwares also makes sure that the link is
on the same domain as the submitted link, automatically.
An amazing feature of link exchange softwares is that it
keeps track of all traffic. Link exchange softwares can
keep track of the number of click that go to each
reciprocal link from the registered site and can list it
down as and when the user demands.
Most Link exchange softwares can support multiple
platforms such as Unix/Linux and Windows web hosting
service, as long as the web hosting service can support
MYSQL database and PHP. Link exchange softwares are search
engine friendly and cause spiders to crawl up to the
registered site. If the site was designed in HTML mode,
the link exchange software can generate static HTML pages.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article.
If you want to read more information on search engine
optimization go to my blog at
Best Regards,
PS. If you would like to join now just go to http://onewaylinkexchange.net/members/register.php
Garden City
NY 11040
United States