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by :

dapat mengurangi massa tulang  ,terganggunya system hor-

terutama Estrogen pada Wanita sehingga  menyebabkan Meno

dini .

dari hasil penelitian  bahwa makan terlalu banyak Protein dan 
garam dapat mengakibatkan penipisan kalsium pada tulang.


,teh , minuman soda ternyata dapat menyebabkan tubuh kehilangan

kandungan kalsium  di bandingkan dengan orang - orang yang

minum kopi ,teh  atau minuman soda...!? 

yang dianggap sebagai obat dewa  yaitu  kortison ternyata

keropos tulang atau yang dikenal dengan Osteo

 porosis dan
memperlambat pertumbuhan tulang.

Allah Maha Pencipta  , tahukah kamu bahwa lidah kita mempu

 nyai kurang lebih
10.000  indra perasa  untuk mencicipi  masa

 kan yang sedaaap

minum Alkohol  sangat tidak ada faedahnya  ,karena dapat

 menjadi ketagihan 
, merusak sel Hati / lever sehingga dapat me-

 nyebabkan sirosis
Hati  dan juga osteoporosis dini...wah..!?

kita ternyata dalam satu hari dapat menghasilkan  air liur seba

 nyak satu (1)

 Percaya nggak...?!

Jantung ternyata paling banyak pada pagi hari  ,yaitu pada 

saat tekanan darah meningkat dan paling banyak terjadi pada 

SENIN PAGI  karena  STRESS  harus kerja  setelah
berakhir pekan..!

Pada pagi hari  terjadi peningkatan kadar  testosteron
baik pada

dan wanita  dan peningkatan hormaon Estrogen  dan 

Wanita   , sehingga  itulah  sebabnya 
mengapa terjadi serangan


 Sarapan Pagi
ternyata sangat penting karena ternyata Metabolis

 me bekerja 20 %
lebih  cepat  dan secara bertahap makin menu

 run hingga malam,,,! 


Hello again,

Michael Rasmussen here, and I've got something pretty

cool to share with you today. But first, I have a

question... do you have a blog?

Here's why I ask. Blogs today are easier to create

than ever. In fact, many web hosts allow you to create

an entire Wordpress blog with a one click installation

tool. But did you know that you can make quite a bit

of money from your blog... all on autopilot?


If you're in a hurry, just go ahead and take a

look at this web page to see what I'm talking

about in this email.


Here's what this is all about:

My friend Rob Benwell has just released his new e-book

called 'Blogging To The Bank 3'. This is the third

revision of this best-selling course (his previous two

sold a combined 20,000+ copies), and it's loaded with

his latest strategies for cashing in with blogs.

This guide is especially good for people who are new

to Internet marketing and want to get involved with

blogging for profit, but don't know how to do it. Rob

has literally made himself a millionaire with his

blogging strategies, and now he wants to share them

with you in this proven blueprint.




Not at all. In fact, that's what makes Rob's

strategies so amazing. Most of them are completely

automated. He's figured out how anyone (yes, anyone)

can set up an automated blog network using free

software, and have it make you money 24/7 while you're

out having fun.

Also, what's great about blogging is that you don't

have to be a guru in order to cash in online. Even if

you're a newbie and you're not an expert in your

niche, you can make this work for you.




I personally think Rob is crazy for doing this, but he

has released this incredible guide for only $37 during

the launch only (which ends tonight).

He's also added some fast action bonuses that are

easily worth 3x the cost of the course. Those are also

yours for free, but only when you place your order by

midnight tonight.

Go ahead and check out Rob Benwell's Blogging To The

Bank 3 course now, and get started profiting with

blogs right away, even if you're brand new to all of

this and don't know anything about HTML. Here's that

link one last time:

All the best,

Michael Rasmussen

Forum Moderator


Let me get straight to the point:

I've always thought that the "good old days" of easy search
engine rankings were a thing of the past.

It used to be that you could just copy the "meta tags" of a site
you wanted to out-rank, submit your site to the search engine
and "ta da", top rankings...

As you know - that's ancient history. Now it takes solid content
and major link-building efforts. And months of just... waiting.

At least, that's what I've been led to believe.

But today, for the first time - I think I might actually be

I just finished watching a video that has literally left me
stunned and a little confused. I don't honestly know what to
think about it yet.

All I can say is... if this is for real... "wow".

See it for yourself:

(It's the video at the top of the page. Click play and be

P.S. If you want, after you've checked out the video, reply to
this email and let me know your thoughts. This could have a
major impact for all of us...

1029 Long Isles
Lewisville, TX

Chris Crum | Staff Writer

Google Researcher Looks at Search Habits

Google respects simplicity. That's clear based on the design of

their home page (assuming you don't use iGoogle). It's changed very

 little since the beginning. It's simple, clean, and familiar. A

field study from Google into the search habits of users has made

it even more clear that simplicity reigns supreme when it comes to


We who are to any degree, professionally involved with the search

engine and technology industries often take things for granted. We

know what certain words and phrases mean, and often expect others

to, when the reality is that they don't. I'm not saying I'm the

smartest guy out there either. I am constantly looking up words

and phrases myself (just one of the many useful yet simple features

Google offers).


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Google has acknowledged this though by making its advanced search

tool simpler. Search Quality Researcher Daniel Russell says at the

Official Google Blog:

"Armed with this insight from field studies, we redesigned the

page, simplifying it by removing terms that were unclear to the

average user (the word "occurrences," for example, just didn't mean

anything to many of the Advanced Search page users), moving rarely

used features (numeric range searches, date searches, etc.) into a

part of the page that was expandable with a single click. That

made them easy to get to for people who knew they wanted to search

with those restrictions, but out of the way in a non-threatening


"One of the other things we noted in the field study was that

people often didn't understand how the Advanced Search page

worked. So we added a "visible query builder" region at the top

of the page. As you fill in the blanks, the box at the top of the

page fills in with the query that you could type into Google. It

was our way of making visible the effects of advanced search



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The product of redesigning the page looks like this(you can see

the old version here). That wasn't what the whole field study was

about though. In Google's ongoing quest to improve search quality,

they observed people's search habits, and found that in the end,

while some of the information retrieved was useful, much of it was

unreliable. In other words, when people are being watched by

researchers, they act differently than they would otherwise.

Eye tracking was an additional component of the field study. They

provided an interesting look at this with the following video. The

red dot in the video represents the movement of eyes on the page

for three different users.

I suggest reading Russell's post in its entirety to get a better

feel for the kind of research he has been doing. In fact, his post

is really only the latest in a series on search quality from the

Google Blog. The series itself is definitely worth checking out

for gaining insight into Google's search quality quest.

Do simple searches provide you the best results? Comment Here:


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Five Ways To Boost Google Product Search Sales

Chris Crum | Staff Writer

Tips Straight From the Google's Mouth

Google has been pretty good about providing holidays tips lately.

They've discussed ways of getting found in Google Product Search

easier, and they have continued with this theme in a new blog post

on the Official Google Base Blog.

The five tips they are now offering include:

- Submit tax and shipping data for your items

- Indclude unique product identifiers

- Use effective titles

- Write accurate descriptions

- Submit your feeds frequently

Submit Tax and Shipping Data

Google provides two ways to submit this data:


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1. Set account-level default values in your Google Base account:

These preferences will serve as the default values for all of your

items. This is the easiest way to set up tax and shipping for your


2. Include item-level override values in your data feeds or via

the Google Base API: These values will override your account-level

default settings for that item.

The company notes that this feature isn't available for single

item posts.

When it comes to taxes, Google provides three options:

- Don't Charge Tax

- Set a tax rate based on the state the item is shipping to

- Use a ZIP code-based estimate.

There are also three shipping options:

- You can specify a flat (or free) shipping rate

- Define custom tables if the shipping rate you charge varies by

price, weight, or number of items


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- Apply a carrier-calculated rate (if based on UPS, FedEx, or USPS)

You can find more information about Tax and Shipping options at

Google's Help Page for this category.

Including Unique Product Identifiers

We've touched upon this before. When you're setting up your data

feeds, Google suggests using key attributes like MPN, UPC, ISBN,

condition, or brand to help increase visibility for relevant


Use Effective Titles

This is the same principle that should be applied to titles of all

kinds - articles, blog posts, email subject lines, etc. You have to

 grab customers with the title before they will even look at your

item, so this is a very important part. Don't expect to sell much

without an enticing title. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be simple

 and to-the-point. Google says to keep in mind that Product Search

truncates titles to under 70 characters.

Write Accurate Descriptions

If you've gotten their attention with the title, the description

is likely the next thing they will look at, so here is where you

want to provide accurate and specific details about your product.

Google Product Search also truncates these if they are too long

(over 150 characters).

Submit Your Feeds Frequently

Google suggests doing this up to once a day. This should give you

an additional boost in visibility.

If you are not using Google Base already, perhaps this information

will inspire you to do so. Google is laying out details about how

you can better utilize their service. Will you take their advice?

Have any insight on this article? Please comment here:


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