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(Dialihkan dari Bom bunuh diri)
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Perang terhadap terorisme
Disponsori negara
Propaganda dengan perbuatan
Bom mobil
Bom bunuh diri
Terorisme nuklir
Terorisme internet
lihat bicara sunting

Serangan bunuh diri adalah suatu serangan di mana (para) penyerang bermaksud untuk membunuh orang (atau orang-orang) lain dan bermaksud untuk turut mati dalam proses serangannya (lihat bunuh diri), misalnya dengan sebuah ledakan bom atau tabrakan yang dilakukan oleh si penyerang. Istilah ini kadang-kadang digunakan secara bebas untuk sebuah kejadian di mana maksud si penyerang tidak cukup jelas meskipun ia hampir pasti akan mati karena pembelaan diri atau pembalasan dari pihak yang diserang.

Di zaman modern, serangan seperti itu seringkali dilakukan dengan bantuan kendaraan atau bahan peledak seperti bom (bom bunuh diri) atau keduanya (mis. kendaraan yang dimuati dengan bahan peledak). Bila semua rencana berjalan mulus, si penyerang akan terbunuh dalam tabrakan atau peledakan.

Serangan bunuh diri adalah sejenis taktik, yang direncanakan dan diorganisir oleh kelompok militer atau paramiliter yang berkomitmen tinggi. Menurut Robert Pape, direktur Proyek Chicago tentang terorisme bunuh diri dan pakar tentang bom bunuh diri, 95% dari serangan-serangan itu di waktu-waktu belakangan ini mempunyai tujuan strategis spesifik yang sama: memaksa negara yang menduduki untuk menarik pasukan-pasukannya dari sebuah wilayah yang diperebutkan. Pape mencatat bahwa dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir serangan-serangan bunuh diri sebagai taktik politik digunakan untuk melawan negara-negara demokratis di mana opini publik memainkan peranan dalam menentukan kebijakan.

Sebagai taktik militer yang dimaksudkan untuk menimbulkan kerugian materi dalam perang, serangan bunuh diri menjadi terkenal di masa Perang Dunia II di Pasifik ketika kapal-kapal Sekutu diserang oleh pilot-pilot kamikaze Jepang dengan menerbangkan pesawat terbang mereka yang dimuati dengan bahan peledak ke sasaran-sasaran militer. Sejak 1980-an, biaya yang dianggap murah dan daya rusak yang hebat dari taktik ini mungkin menjadi alasan mengapa ia makin banyak dipergunakan oleh gerakan-gerakan perlawanan, termasuk para gerilyawan dan kelompok-kelompok pemberontak -- yang distilahkan sebagai "kelompok-kelompok teroris" oleh pemerintah yang menjadi sasaran. Yang paling menonjol taktik ini telah digunakan di Timur Tengah dan Sri Lanka.

Daftar isi


[sunting] Catatan

[sunting] Lihat pula

[sunting] Pranala luar, sumber, rujukan

[sunting] Bacaan lebih lanjut

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

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Idul Fitri
Nama resmi Eid, Eid ul-Fitr Arab: عيد الفطر
Disebut juga Idul Fitri, Hari Lebaran (Indonesia); Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Lebaran (Malaysia); Shemai Eid (Bangladesh); Ramazan Bayramı (Turki)
Dirayakan oleh Ummat Muslim
Jenis Hari libur agama
Makna Ditandai dengan berakhirnya bulan Ramadhan, bulan puasa
Tanggal 1 Syawal
Tahun 2007 12 Oktober/13 Oktober
Tahun 2008 1 Oktober
Tahun 2009 21 September
Perayaan Ibadah, memberikan hadiah, berkunjung ke sanak keluarga ataupun tetangga, mudik, berhias
Isi perayaan Shalat Ied
Berkaitan dengan Ramadhan yang berlangsung selama 29-30 hari setelah terbenamnya matahari pada hari terakhir. Idul Adha, yang disambut 70 hari kemudian

Idul Fitri (Bahasa Arab: عيد الفطر ‘Īdu l-Fiṭr) adalah hari raya umat Islam yang jatuh pada tanggal 1 Syawal pada penanggalan Hijriyah. Karena penentuan 1 Syawal yang berdasarkan peredaran bulan tersebut, maka Idul Fitri atau Hari Raya Puasa jatuh pada tanggal yang berbeda-beda setiap tahunnya apabila dilihat dari penanggalan Masehi. Cara menentukan 1 Syawal juga bervariasi, sehingga boleh jadi ada sebagian umat Islam yang merayakannya pada tanggal Masehi yang berbeda. Pada tanggal 1 Syawal, umat Islam berkumpul pada pagi hari dan menyelenggarakan Shalat Ied bersama-sama di masjid-masjid, di tanah lapang, atau bahkan jalan raya (terutama di kota besar) apabila area sebelumnya tidak cukup menampung jamaah. Begitu pula saat tiba Idul Adha.

Daftar isi


[sunting] Ibadah dan tradisi pada Idul Fitri

Idul Fitri menandai berakhirnya puasa pada bulan Ramadhan.

Shalat Idul Fitri biasanya dilakukan di lapangan. Adapun hukum dari Shalat Idul Fitri ini adalah sunnah mu'akkad. Sebelum shalat, kaum muslimin mengumandangkan takbir. Adapun takbir adalah sebagai berikut:

Arab Latin Terjemahan
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar
لا إله إلا ال la ilaha illa Allah Tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah
الله أكبر الله أكبر Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar
ولله الحمد wa li-illahi al-hamd Segala puji hanya bagi Allah

Takbir mulai dikumandangkan setelah bulan Syawal dimulai. Selain menunaikan Shalat Sunnah Idul Fitri, kaum muslimin juga harus membayar zakat fitrah[1][2] sebanyak 2 kilogram bahan pangan. Tujuan dari zakat fitrah sendiri adalah untuk memberi kebahagiaan pada kaum fakir miskin. Kemudian, Khutbah diberikan setelah Shalat Idul Fitri berlangsung, dan dilanjutkan dengan do'a. Setelah itu, kaum muslimin saling bermaaf-maafan. Terkadang beberapa orang akan mengunjungi kuburan.[3]

[sunting] Idul Fitri di berbagai wilayah

[sunting] Asia

[sunting] Asia Tenggara

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Hidangan ketupat yang biasa disajikan dalam Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Hidangan ketupat yang biasa disajikan dalam Hari Raya Idul Fitri

Umat Islam di Indonesia menjadikan Idul Fitri sebagai hari raya utama, momen untuk berkumpul kembali bersama keluarga, apalagi keluarga yang karena suatu alasan, misalnya pekerjaan atau pernikahan, harus berpisah. Mulai dua minggu sebelum Idul Fitri, umat Islam di Indonesia mulai sibuk memikirkan perayaan hari raya ini, yang paling utama adalah Mudik atau Pulang Kampung, sehingga pemerintah pun memfasilitasi dengan memperbaiki jalan-jalan yang dilalui. Hari Raya Idul Fitri di Indonesia diperingati sebagai hari libur nasional, yang diperingati oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia yang memang mayoritas Muslim. Biasanya, penetapan Idul Fitri ditentukan oleh pemerintah, namun beberapa ormas Islam menetapkannya berbeda. Idul Fitri di Indonesia disebut dengan Lebaran, dimana sebagian besar masyarakat pulang kampung (mudik) untuk merayakannya bersama keluarga. Selama perayaan, berbagai hidangan disajikan. Hidangan yang paling populer dalam perayaan Idul Fitri di Indonesia adalah ketupat, yang memang sangat familiar di Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, dan Singapura. Bagi anak-anak, biasanya para orangtua memberikan uang raya kepada mereka. Selama perayaan, biasanya masyarakat berkunjung ke rumah-rumah tetangga ataupun saudaranya untuk bersilaturahmi, yang dikenal dengan "halal bi-halal",[4] memohon maaf dan keampunan kepada mereka. Beberapa pejabat negara juga mengadakan open house bagi masyarakat yang ingin bersilaturahmi.

Di Malaysia, Singapura, dan Brunei, Idul Fitri dikenal juga dengan sebutan Hari Raya Puasa atau Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Masyarakat di Malaysia dan Singapura turut merayakannya bersama masyarakat Muslim diseluruh dunia. Seperti di Indonesia, malam sebelum perayaan selalu diteriakkan takbir di masjid ataupun mushala, yang mengungkapkan kemenangan dan kebesaran Tuhan. Diperkampungan, biasanya banyak masyarakat yang menghidupkan pelita atau panjut, atau obor di Indonesia. Banyak bank, perkantoran swasta ataupun pemerintahan yang tutup selama perayaan Idul Fitri hingga akhir minggu perayaan. Masyarakat disini biasanya saling mengucapkan "Selamat Hari Raya" atau "Salam Aidil Fitri" dan "Maaf zahir dan batin" sebagai ungkapan permohonan maaf kepada sesama. Di Malaysia juga ada tradisi balik kampung, atau mudik di Indonesia. Disini juga ada tradisi pemberian uang oleh para orangtua kepada anak-anak, yang dikenal dengan sebutan duit raya.[5][6]

Umat Muslim adalah minoritas di Filipina, sehingga sebagian besar masyarakat tidak begitu familiar dengan perayaan ini. Namun, perayaan Idul Fitri sudah diatur sebagai hari libur nasional oleh pemerintah dalam Republic Act No. 9177 dan berlaku sejak 13 November 2002.[7].

[sunting] Asia Selatan

Di Bangladesh, India, dan Pakistan, malam sebelum Idul Fitri disebut Chand Raat, atau malam bulan. Orang-orang mengunjungi berbagai bazar dan mal untuk berbelanja, dengan keluarga dan anak-anak mereka. Para wanita, terutama yang muda, seringkali satu sama lain mengecat tangan mereka dengan bahan tradisional hennadan serta memakai rantai yang warna-warni.

Cara yang paling populer di Asia Selatan selama perayaan Idul Fitri adalah dengan mengucapkan Eid Mubarak kepada yang lain. Anak-anak didorong untuk menyambut para orangtua. Didalam penyambutan ini, mereka juga berharap untuk memperoleh uang, yang disebut Eidi, dari para orangtua.

Di pagi Idul Fitri, setelah mandi dan bersih, setiap Muslim didorong untuk menggunakan pakaian baru, bila mereka bisa mengusahakannya. Sebagai alternatif, mereka boleh menggunakan pakaian yang bersih, yang telah dicuci. Orangtua dan anak laki-laki pergi ke masjid atau lapangan terbuka, tradisi ini disebut Eidgah, shalat Ied, berterimakasih kepada Allah karena diberi kesempatan beribadah di bulan Ramadhan dengan penuh arti. Setiap Muslim diwajibkan untuk membayar Zakat Fitri atau Zakat Fitra kepada fakir miski, sehingga mereka dapat juga turut merayakan hari kemenangan ini.

Setelah shalat, perkumpulan itu dibubarkan dansetiap Muslim saling bertamu dan menyambut satu sama lain termasuk anggota keluarga, anak-anak, orangtua, teman dan tetangga mereka.

Sebagian Muslim juga berziarah ke makam anggota keluarga mereka untuk berdoa bagi keselamatan almarhum. Biasanya, anak-anak mengunjungi sanak keluarga dan tetangga yang lebih tua untuk meminta maaf dan mengucapkan salam.

Setelah bertemu dengan teman dan sanak keluarganya, banyak orang yang pergi ke pesta-pesta, karnaval, dan perayaan khusus di taman-taman (dengan bertamasya, kembang api, mercon, dan lain-lain). Di Bangladesh, India, dan Pakistan, banyak dilakukan bazar, sebagai puncak Idul Fitri. Sebagian Muslim juga memanfaatkan perayaan ini untuk mendistribusikan zakat mal, zakat atas kekayaannya, kepada orang-orang miskin.

Dengan cara ini, para Muslim di Asia Selatan merayakan Idul Fitri dalam suasana yang meriah, sebagai ungkapan terimakasih kepada Allah, dan mengajak keluarga mereka, teman, dan para fakir miskin, sebagai rasa kebersamaan.

[sunting] Cina

Kaum Muslim adalah minoritas di Cina, sehingga perayaan hari raya Idul Fitri tidak terlalu meriah. Ada keunikan tersendiri dengan Muslim di Cina, yakni mereka merayakan hari raya kurban atau Idul Adha lebih meriah dibanding Idul Fitri.[8]

[sunting] Eropa

Perayaan Idul Fitri di Masjid Dublin, Irlandia, pada tahun 2005
Perayaan Idul Fitri di Masjid Dublin, Irlandia, pada tahun 2005

Di Eropa, perayaan Idul Fitri tidak dilakukan dengan begitu semarak. Di Inggris misalnya, Idul Fitri tidak diperingati sebagai hari libur nasional. Kaum muslimin di Inggris harus mencari informasi tentang hari Idul Fitri. Biasanya, informasi ini didapat dari Islamic Centre terdekat atau dari milis Islam. Idul Fitri dirayakan secara sederhana di Inggris. Khutbah disampaikan oleh Imam masjid setempat, dilanjutkan dengan bersalam-salaman. Biasanya di satu area dimana terdapat banyak kaum Muslimin disana, kantor-kantor dan beberapa sekolah di area tersebut akan memberikan satu hari libur untuk kaum muslimin. Untuk menentukan hari Idul Fitri sendiri, para ulama dan para ahli agama Islam sering mengadakan rukyat hisab untuk menentukan hari raya Idul Fitri.

[sunting] Turki

Ucapan selamat Bayram tradisional, menyatakan "Mencintai dan Dicintai", dalam bentuk lampu mahya di sepanjang minaret Masjid Sultan Ahmed di Istanbul, Turki.
Ucapan selamat Bayram tradisional, menyatakan "Mencintai dan Dicintai", dalam bentuk lampu mahya di sepanjang minaret Masjid Sultan Ahmed di Istanbul, Turki.

Di Turki, Idul Fitri dikenal dengan sebutan Bayram (dari bahasa Turki). Biasanya setiap orang akan saling mengucapkan "Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun", "Mutlu Bayramlar", atau "Bayramınız Mübarek Olsun". Pada Idul Fitri, masyarakat biasanya menggunakan pakaian terbaik mereka (dikenal sebagai Bayramlik) dan saling kunjung mengunjungi ketempat orang-orang yang mereka kasihi seperti keluarga, tetangga, dan teman-teman mereka serta menziarahi kuburan keluarganya yang telah tiada.

Pada masa itu, orang yang lebih muda akan mencium tangan kanan mereka yang lebih tua dan menempatkannya di dahi mereka selagi mengucapkan salam Bayram. Para anak-anak kecil juga biasa mendatangi rumah-rumah disekitar lingkungannya untuk mengucapkan salam, dimana mereka biasanya diberikan permen, cokelat, permen tradisional seperti Baklava dan Lokum, atau sejumlah kecil uang.

[sunting] Amerika

[sunting] Amerika Utara

Umat Muslim di Amerika Utara pada umumnya merayakan Idul Fitri dengan cara yang tenang dan khidmat. Karena penetapan hari raya bergantung pada peninjauan bulan, seringkali banyak masyarakat tidak sadar bahwa hari berikutnya sudah Idul Fitri. Masyarakat menggunakan metode yang berbeda untuk menentukan penghujung Ramadhan dan permulaan Syawal. Orang Amerika Utara yang berada di wilayah timur bisa jadi merayakan Idul Fitri pada hari yang berbeda dibanding mereka yang di wilayah barat. Pada umumnya, penghujung Ramadhan diumumkan via e-mail, website, atau melalui sambungan telepon.

Umumnya, keluarga Muslim di Barat akan bangun sangat pagi sekali untuk menyiapkan makanan kecil. Setiap orang didorong untuk berpakaian formal dan baru. Banyak keluarga-keluarga yang memakai pakaian tradisional dari negara mereka, karena kebanyakan Muslim disana ialah imigran. Selanjutnya mereka akan pergi ke majlis yang paling dekat untuk shalat. Shalat itu bisa diadakan di masjid lokal, ruang pertemuan hotel, gelanggang, ataupun stadion lokal. Shalat Idul Fitri sangat penting, dan umat Muslim didorong untuk shalat Id memohon ampunan dan pahala. Setelah shalat, ada kutbah dimana imam memberikan nasihat bagi jamaahnya dan biasanya didorong untuk mengakhiri setiap kebencian ataupun kesalahan lampau yang mungkin mereka punya. Setelah shalat dan kutbah, para jamaah saling memeluk dan satu sama lain saling mengucapkan selamat Idul Fitri. Muslim di Amerika Utara juga merayakan Idul Fitri dengan cara saling memberi dan menerima hadiah kepada keluarga.

Empire State Building di New York City, Amerika Serikat, memancarkan lampu-lampu berwarna hijau sebagai penghormatan terhadap hari raya Idul Fitri pada tanggal 12-14 Oktober 2007.[9]

[sunting] Idul Fitri dalam kalender Masehi

Dalam kalender Islam, penetapan hari Idul Fitri selalu sama setiap tahunnya, hal ini berbeda dalam kalender Masehi yang selalu berubah dari tahun ke tahun. Dalam kalender Islam penetapan hari ialah berdasarkan fase bulan (kalender lunar), sedangkan kalender Masehi berdasar fase bumi mengelilingi matahari (kalender solar). Perbedaan inilah yang menyebabkan penetapan Idul Fitri selalu berubah didalam kalender Masehi, yakni terjadi perubahan 11 hari kedepan setiap tahunnya. Perkiraan hari Idul Fitri dalam kalender Masehi ialah sebagai berikut:

[sunting] Lihat pula

[sunting] Catatan kaki

  1. ^ Weigers, Gerard."Ibadat". Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world, hal. 327
  2. ^ Gaffney, Patrick D. "Khutba." Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. hal. 394.
  3. ^ Wiegers, Gerard. "Ritual". Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world, hal. 600
  4. ^ van Doorn-Harder, Nelly. "Southeast Asian culture and Islam". Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world. hal. 649
  5. ^ "Hari Raya Puasa". Diakses pada 2 November 2005.
  6. ^ Yusof, Mimi Syed & Hafeez, Shahrul (Oct. 30, 2005). "When Raya was a bewildering experience". New Straits Times, p. 8.
  7. ^ Republic Act No. 9177. Diakses pada 31 Juli 2008
  8. ^ Muslim di Cina; Blog Keadilan; Wordpress
  9. ^ "Shalat Idul Fitri di AS Tiga Versi". Diakses pada 30 SeptemberKutipan: 2008.

[sunting] Pranala luar

Peralatan pribadi

Sat Oct 4, 2008 7:20 AM WIT
technology, jobs, steve-jobs, sec, rumor, exchange-commission, apple-ceo-steve-jobs, cnn-owned-web
Jessica Mintz, AP Technology Writer

A CNN-owned Web site called, which publishes reports written by ordinary citizens, said Friday it will give the Securities and Exchange Commission information about the author of an item that claimed Apple CEO Steve Jobs had suffered a heart attack.

The early morning report, which Apple Inc. spokesman Steve Dowling said was not true, sent shares plummeting to their lowest point in a year. The stock recovered around the time the post was removed from, but ended the day off 3 percent at $97.07 amid a broader market slide.

An SEC spokesman declined to comment.

Jobs, who survived pancreatic cancer, has remained quiet on the topic of his health despite appearing extremely thin in recent public appearances.

CNN spokeswoman Jennifer Martin said the SEC contacted Friday afternoon, and that the site's staff is "doing its best to provide them with information about the posting."

Martin said that "Johntw," the author of the Steve Jobs post, had never posted in before. She did not know when the person joined the site.'s "citizen journalists" are not required to give their real name when registering, though they must submit a working e-mail address. CNN is a unit of Time Warner Inc.

12:25 PM with 0 komentar »

Biden Tells 14 Lies During VP Debate
by Amanda Carpenter
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Eyes On Palin In U.S. VP Showdown
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Fox News
Backing Biden
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Medved: A Political Party to Help Lost Souls?
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Who won Thursday night's VP debate?
Joe Biden
Sarah Palin

Joe Biden (49 %) Sarah Palin (49 %) Tie (3 %)
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Senator Joe Biden lied at least 14 times during the vice presidential debate according to those counting at John McCain’s presidential headquarters.
Tucker Bounds, a spokesman from GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s campaign said in a statement, “Joe Biden graduated from his trademark verbal gaffe to outright lie in tonight’s debate.”
McCain’s blogger-in-chief Michael Goldfarb chronicled the 14 lies HERE.
On the foreign policy front, Biden challenged Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin when she said Barack Obama’s pledge to meet with any foreign leaders, including Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, without precondition “goes beyond naivete and goes beyond poor judgment.”
Biden lectured Palin, “That's just simply not true about Barack Obama. He did not say he'd sit down with Ahmadinejad.” During the YouTube Democratic primary debate last July Obama was asked if he would meet the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea without “precondition” during his first year in office.
“I would,” he replied.
Biden appeared to attack Obama for making that very statement in August 2007. While Biden was challenging Obama for the Democratic nomination for president Biden said he would not support such a pledge. “Would I make a blanket commitment to meet unconditionally with the leaders of each of those countries within the first year I was elected president?” he said in an appearance at the National Press Club. “Absolutely positively no."
Five of the lies Biden told were related to tax and energy votes. During the debate Biden adamantly claimed McCain voted the same way as Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama did on a vote to raise taxes on those making $42,000 a year. The legislative record shows McCain was not present in the Senate for either of those votes and is recorded as “not voting.”
The RNC also takes issue with Biden’s assessment Palin supports a “windfall profits tax” and Biden’s claim McCain voted against alternative energy 23 times. The independent has previously stated when Obama and other Democrats made similar charges about the 23 votes “they’re overstating the case.”
The other lies detailed by Goldfarb were related to Biden’s characterization of McCain’s healthcare plan, stances on bank deregulation and the $700 billion financial bailout that recently passed the Senate.

posted: 2 HOURS 29 MINUTES AGO
comments: 45574
filed under: National News, Political News, Bailout Vote
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WASHINGTON (Oct. 3) - With the economy on the brink of meltdown and elections looming, a reluctant Congress abruptly reversed course and approved a historic $700 billion government bailout of the battered financial industry on Friday. President Bush swiftly signed it.
The 263-171 House vote capped two weeks of tumult in Congress and on Wall Street, punctuated by urgent warnings from Bush that the country confronted the gravest economic disaster since the Great Depression if lawmakers failed to act.
An Unprecedented Bailout
Charles Dharapak, AP
12 photos


President George Bush signs a sweeping $700 billion bailout of Wall Street in the Oval Office on Friday, a move aimed at bringing some relief to the troubled financial markets.

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Classical Greek philosophy
Ancient philosophy

Archimedes Thoughtful by Fetti (1620)
Full name Archimedes of Syracuse (Greek: Άρχιμήδης)
Birth c. 287 BC (Syracuse, Sicily, Magna Graecia)
Death c. 212 BC (Syracuse)
School/tradition Euclid of Alexandria
Natural philosophy
Main interests mathematics, physics, engineering, astronomy, invention
Notable ideas hydrostatics, levers,

Archimedes of Syracuse (Greek: Ἀρχιμήδης) (c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC) was a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. Although few details of his life are known, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. Among his advances in physics are the foundations of hydrostatics, statics and the explanation of the principle of the lever. He is credited with designing innovative machines, including siege engines and the screw pump that bears his name. Modern experiments have tested claims that Archimedes designed machines capable of lifting attacking ships out of the water and setting ships on fire using an array of mirrors.[1]

Archimedes is generally considered to be the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest of all time.[2][3] He used the method of exhaustion to calculate the area under the arc of a parabola with the summation of an infinite series, and gave a remarkably accurate approximation of Pi.[4] He also defined the spiral bearing his name, formulas for the volumes of surfaces of revolution and an ingenious system for expressing very large numbers.

Archimedes died during the Siege of Syracuse when he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. Cicero describes visiting the tomb of Archimedes, which was surmounted by a sphere inscribed within a cylinder. Archimedes had proved that the sphere has two thirds of the volume and surface area of the cylinder (including the bases of the latter), and regarded this as the greatest of his mathematical achievements.

Unlike his inventions, the mathematical writings of Archimedes were little known in antiquity. Mathematicians from Alexandria read and quoted him, but the first comprehensive compilation was made only by Isidore of Miletus (c. 530 AD), while commentaries on the works of Archimedes written by Eutocius in the sixth century AD opened them to wider readership for the first time. The relatively few copies of Archimedes' written work that survived through the Middle Ages were an influential source of ideas for scientists during the Renaissance,[5] while the discovery in 1906 of previously unknown works by Archimedes in the Archimedes Palimpsest has provided new insights into how he obtained mathematical results.[6]




This bronze statue of Archimedes is at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin. It was sculpted by Gerhard Thieme and unveiled in 1972.
This bronze statue of Archimedes is at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin. It was sculpted by Gerhard Thieme and unveiled in 1972.

Archimedes was born c. 287 BC in the seaport city of Syracuse, Sicily, at that time a colony of Magna Graecia. The date of birth is based on a statement by the Byzantine Greek historian John Tzetzes that Archimedes lived for 75 years.[7] In The Sand Reckoner, Archimedes gives his father's name as Phidias, an astronomer about whom nothing is known. Plutarch wrote in his Parallel Lives that Archimedes was related to King Hiero II, the ruler of Syracuse.[8] A biography of Archimedes was written by his friend Heracleides but this work has been lost, leaving the details of his life obscure.[9] It is unknown, for instance, whether he ever married or had children. During his youth Archimedes may have studied in Alexandria, Egypt, where Conon of Samos and Eratosthenes of Cyrene were contemporaries. He referred to Conon of Samos as his friend, while two of his works (The Method of Mechanical Theorems and the Cattle Problem) have introductions addressed to Eratosthenes.[a]

Archimedes died c. 212 BC during the Second Punic War, when Roman forces under General Marcus Claudius Marcellus captured the city of Syracuse after a two-year-long siege. According to the popular account given by Plutarch, Archimedes was contemplating a mathematical diagram when the city was captured. A Roman soldier commanded him to come and meet General Marcellus but he declined, saying that he had to finish working on the problem. The soldier was enraged by this, and killed Archimedes with his sword. Plutarch also gives a lesser-known account of the death of Archimedes which suggests that he may have been killed while attempting to surrender to a Roman soldier. According to this story, Archimedes was carrying mathematical instruments, and was killed because the soldier thought that they were valuable items. General Marcellus was reportedly angered by the death of Archimedes, as he considered him a valuable scientific asset and had ordered that he not be harmed.[10]

The last words attributed to Archimedes are "Do not disturb my circles" (Greek: μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε), a reference to the circles in the mathematical drawing that he was supposedly studying when disturbed by the Roman soldier. This quote is often given in Latin as "Noli turbare circulos meos", but there is no reliable evidence that Archimedes uttered these words and they do not appear in the account given by Plutarch.[10]

The sphere has 2/3 the volume and surface area of the circumscribing cylinder. A sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request.
The sphere has 2/3 the volume and surface area of the circumscribing cylinder. A sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request.

The tomb of Archimedes carried a sculpture illustrating his favorite mathematical proof, consisting of a sphere and a cylinder of the same height and diameter. Archimedes had proved that the volume and surface area of the sphere are two thirds that of the cylinder including its bases. In 75 BC, 137 years after his death, the Roman orator Cicero was serving as quaestor in Sicily. He had heard stories about the tomb of Archimedes, but none of the locals was able to give him the location. Eventually he found the tomb near the Agrigentine gate in Syracuse, in a neglected condition and overgrown with bushes. Cicero had the tomb cleaned up, and was able to see the carving and read some of the verses that had been added as an inscription.[11]

The standard versions of the life of Archimedes were written long after his death by the historians of Ancient Rome. The account of the siege of Syracuse given by Polybius in his Universal History was written around seventy years after Archimedes' death, and was used subsequently as a source by Plutarch and Livy. It sheds little light on Archimedes as a person, and focuses on the war machines that he is said to have built in order to defend the city.[12]

Discoveries and inventions

The Golden Crown

The most widely known anecdote about Archimedes tells how he invented a method for determining the volume of an object with an irregular shape. According to Vitruvius, a new crown in the shape of a laurel wreath had been made for King Hiero II, and Archimedes was asked to determine whether it was of solid gold, or whether silver had been added by a dishonest goldsmith.[13] Archimedes had to solve the problem without damaging the crown, so he could not melt it down into a regularly shaped body in order to calculate its density. While taking a bath, he noticed that the level of the water in the tub rose as he got in, and realized that this effect could be used to determine the volume of the crown. For practical purposes water is incompressible,[14] so the submerged crown would displace an amount of water equal to its own volume. By dividing the weight of the crown by the volume of water displaced, the density of the crown could be obtained. The density of the crown would be lower than that of gold if cheaper and less dense metals had been added. Archimedes then took to the streets naked, so excited by his discovery that he had forgotten to dress, crying "Eureka!" (Greek: "εὕρηκα!," meaning "I have found it!")[15]

The story about the golden crown does not appear in the known works of Archimedes, but in his treatise On Floating Bodies he gives the principle known in hydrostatics as Archimedes' Principle. This states that a body immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.[16]

While Archimedes did not invent the lever, he wrote the earliest known rigorous explanation of the principle involved. According to Pappus of Alexandria, his work on levers caused him to remark: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth." (Greek: δῶς μοι πᾶ στῶ καὶ τὰν γᾶν κινάσω)[17] Plutarch describes how Archimedes designed block and tackle pulley systems, allowing sailors to use the principle of leverage to lift objects that would otherwise have been too heavy to move.[18]

The Archimedes Screw

The Archimedes screw can raise water efficiently.
The Archimedes screw can raise water efficiently.

A large part of Archimedes' work in engineering arose from fulfilling the needs of his home city of Syracuse. The Greek writer Athenaeus of Naucratis described how King Hieron II commissioned Archimedes to design a huge ship, the Syracusia, which could be used for luxury travel, carrying supplies, and as a naval warship. The Syracusia is said to have been the largest ship built in classical antiquity.[19] According to Athenaeus, it was capable of carrying 600 people and included garden decorations, a gymnasium and a temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite among its facilities. Since a ship of this size would leak a considerable amount of water through the hull, the Archimedes screw was purportedly developed in order to remove the bilge water. Archimedes' machine was a device with a revolving screw-shaped blade inside a cylinder. It was turned by hand, and could also be used to transfer water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation canals. The Archimedes screw is still in use today for pumping liquids and semifluid solids such as coal and grain. The Archimedes screw described in Roman times by Vitruvius may have been an improvement on a screw pump that was used to irrigate the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.[20][21][22]

The Claw of Archimedes

The Claw of Archimedes is another weapon that he is said to have designed in order to defend the city of Syracuse. Also known as "the ship shaker", the claw consisted of a crane-like arm from which a large metal grappling hook was suspended. When the claw was dropped on to an attacking ship the arm would swing upwards, lifting the ship out of the water and possibly sinking it. There have been modern experiments to test the feasibility of the claw, and in 2005 a television documentary entitled Superweapons of the Ancient World built a version of the claw and concluded that it was a workable device.[23][24]

Archimedes has also been credited with improving the power and accuracy of the catapult, and with inventing the odometer during the First Punic War. The odometer was described as a cart with a gear mechanism that dropped a ball into a container after each mile traveled.[25]

Cicero (106 BC–43 BC) mentions Archimedes briefly in his dialogue De re publica, which portrays a fictional conversation taking place in 129 BC. After the capture of Syracuse c. 212 BC, General Marcus Claudius Marcellus is said to have taken back to Rome two mechanisms used as aids in astronomy, which showed the motion of the Sun, Moon and five planets. Cicero mentions similar mechanisms designed by Thales of Miletus and Eudoxus of Cnidus. The dialogue says that Marcellus kept one of the devices as his only personal loot from Syracuse, and donated the other to the Temple of Virtue in Rome. Marcellus' mechanism was demonstrated, according to Cicero, by Gaius Sulpicius Gallus to Lucius Furius Philus, who described it thus:

Hanc sphaeram Gallus cum moveret, fiebat ut soli luna totidem conversionibus in aere illo quot diebus in ipso caelo succederet, ex quo et in caelo sphaera solis fieret eadem illa defectio, et incideret luna tum in eam metam quae esset umbra terrae, cum sol e regione. — When Gallus moved the globe, it happened that the Moon followed the Sun by as many turns on that bronze contrivance as in the sky itself, from which also in the sky the Sun's globe became to have that same eclipse, and the Moon came then to that position which was its shadow on the Earth, when the Sun was in line.[26][27]

This is a description of a planetarium or orrery. Pappus of Alexandria stated that Archimedes had written a manuscript (now lost) on the construction of these mechanisms entitled On Sphere-Making. Modern research in this area has been focused on the Antikythera mechanism, another device from classical antiquity that was probably designed for the same purpose. Constructing mechanisms of this kind would have required a sophisticated knowledge of differential gearing. This was once thought to have been beyond the range of the technology available in ancient times, but the discovery of the Antikythera mechanism in 1902 has confirmed that devices of this kind were known to the ancient Greeks.[28][29]

The Archimedes Heat Ray - myth or reality?

Archimedes may have used mirrors acting as a parabolic reflector to burn ships attacking Syracuse
Archimedes may have used mirrors acting as a parabolic reflector to burn ships attacking Syracuse

The 2nd century AD historian Lucian wrote that during the Siege of Syracuse (c. 214–212 BC), Archimedes repelled an attack by Roman soldiers with a burning-glass.[30] The device was used to focus sunlight on to the approaching ships, causing them to catch fire. This claim, sometimes called the "Archimedes heat ray", has been the subject of ongoing debate about its credibility since the Renaissance. René Descartes rejected it as false, while modern researchers have attempted to recreate the effect using only the means that would have been available to Archimedes.[31] It has been suggested that a large array of highly polished bronze or copper shields acting as mirrors could have been employed to focus sunlight on to a ship. This would have used the principle of the parabolic reflector in a manner similar to a solar furnace.

A test of the Archimedes heat ray was carried out in 1973 by the Greek scientist Ioannis Sakkas. The experiment took place at the Skaramagas naval base outside Athens. On this occasion 70 mirrors were used, each with a copper coating and a size of around five by three feet (1.5 by 1 m). The mirrors were pointed at a plywood mock-up of a Roman warship at a distance of around 160 feet (50 m). When the mirrors were focused accurately, the ship burst into flames within a few seconds. The plywood ship had a coating of tar paint, which may have aided combustion.[32]

In October 2005 a group of students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology carried out an experiment with 127 one-foot (30 cm) square mirror tiles, focused on a mocked-up wooden ship at a range of around 100 feet (30 m). Flames broke out on a patch of the ship, but only after the sky had been cloudless and the ship had remained stationary for around ten minutes. It was concluded that the weapon was a feasible device under these conditions. The MIT group repeated the experiment for the television show MythBusters, using a wooden fishing boat in San Francisco as the target. Again some charring occurred, along with a small amount of flame. In order to catch fire, wood needs to reach its flash point, which is around 300 degrees Celsius (570 °F).[33]

When MythBusters broadcast the result of the San Francisco experiment in January 2006, the claim was placed in the category of "busted" (or failed) because of the length of time and the ideal weather conditions required for combustion to occur. It was also pointed out that since Syracuse faces the sea towards the east, the Roman fleet would have had to attack during the morning for optimal gathering of light by the mirrors. MythBusters also pointed out that conventional weaponry, such as flaming arrows or bolts from a catapult, would have been a far easier way of setting a ship on fire at short distances. [1]


While he is often regarded as a designer of mechanical devices, Archimedes also made contributions to the field of mathematics. Plutarch wrote: “He placed his whole affection and ambition in those purer speculations where there can be no reference to the vulgar needs of life.”[34]

Archimedes used the method of exhaustion to approximate the value of π.
Archimedes used the method of exhaustion to approximate the value of π.

Archimedes was able to use infinitesimals in a way that is similar to modern integral calculus. By assuming a proposition to be true and showing that this would lead to a contradiction, he could give answers to problems to an arbitrary degree of accuracy, while specifying the limits within which the answer lay. This technique is known as the method of exhaustion, and he employed it to approximate the value of π (Pi). He did this by drawing a larger polygon outside a circle and a smaller polygon inside the circle. As the number of sides of the polygon increases, it becomes a more accurate approximation of a circle. When the polygons had 96 sides each, he calculated the lengths of their sides and showed that the value of π lay between 3 + 1/7 (approximately 3.1429) and 3 + 10/71 (approximately 3.1408). He also proved that the area of a circle was equal to π multiplied by the square of the radius of the circle.

In Measurement of a Circle, Archimedes gives the value of the square root of 3 as being more than 265/153 (approximately 1.7320261) and less than 1351/780 (approximately 1.7320512). The actual value is approximately 1.7320508, making this a very accurate estimate. He introduced this result without offering any explanation of the method used to obtain it. This aspect of the work of Archimedes caused John Wallis to remark that he was: "as it were of set purpose to have covered up the traces of his investigation as if he had grudged posterity the secret of his method of inquiry while he wished to extort from them assent to his results."[35]

Image:Parabola and inscribed triangle.svg

In The Quadrature of the Parabola, Archimedes proved that the area enclosed by a parabola and a straight line is 4/3 multiplied by the area of a triangle with equal base and height. He expressed the solution to the problem as an infinite geometric series with the common ratio 1/4:

\sum_{n=0}^\infty 4^{-n} = 1 + 4^{-1} + 4^{-2} + 4^{-3} + \cdots = {4\over 3}. \;

If the first term in this series is the area of the triangle, then the second is the sum of the areas of two triangles whose bases are the two smaller secant lines, and so on. This proof uses a variation of the series 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/64 + 1/256 + · · · which sums to 1/3.

In The Sand Reckoner, Archimedes set out to calculate the number of grains of sand that the universe could contain. In doing so, he challenged the notion that the number of grains of sand was too large to be counted. He wrote: "There are some, King Gelo (Gelo II, son of Hiero II), who think that the number of the sand is infinite in multitude; and I mean by the sand not only that which exists about Syracuse and the rest of Sicily but also that which is found in every region whether inhabited or uninhabited." To solve the problem, Archimedes devised a system of counting based on the myriad. The word is from the Greek μυριάς murias, for the number 10,000. He proposed a number system using powers of a myriad of myriads (100 million) and concluded that the number of grains of sand required to fill the universe would be 8×1063, which can also be expressed as eight vigintillion.[36]


The written work of Archimedes has not survived as well as that of Euclid, and seven of his treatises are known to have existed only through references made to them by other authors. Pappus of Alexandria mentions On Sphere-Making and another work on polyhedra, while Theon of Alexandria quotes a remark about refraction from the now-lost Catoptrica.[b] During his lifetime, Archimedes made his work known through correspondence with the mathematicians in Alexandria. The writings of Archimedes were collected by the Byzantine architect Isidore of Miletus (c. 530 AD), while commentaries on the works of Archimedes written by Eutocius in the sixth century AD helped to bring his work a wider audience. Archimedes' work was translated into Arabic by Thābit ibn Qurra (836–901 AD), and Latin by Gerard of Cremona (c. 1114–1187 AD). During the Renaissance, the Editio Princeps (First Edition) was published in Basel in 1544 by Johann Herwagen with the works of Archimedes in Greek and Latin.[37] Around the year 1586 Galileo Galilei invented a hydrostatic balance for weighing metals in air and water after apparently being inspired by the work of Archimedes.[38]

Surviving works

Archimedes is said to have remarked about the lever: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."
Archimedes is said to have remarked about the lever: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."
  • On the Equilibrium of Planes (two volumes)
The first book is in fifteen propositions with seven postulates, while the second book is in ten propositions. In this work Archimedes explains the Law of the Lever, stating:
Equal weights at equal distances are in equilibrium, and equal weights at unequal distances are not in equilibrium but incline towards the weight which is at the greater distance.
Archimedes uses the principles derived to calculate the areas and centers of gravity of various geometric figures including triangles, paraboloids, and hemispheres.[39]
This is a short work consisting of three propositions. It is written in the form of a correspondence with Dositheus of Pelusium, who was a student of Conon of Samos. In Proposition II, Archimedes shows that the value of π (Pi) is greater than 223/71 and less than 22/7. The latter figure was used as an approximation of π throughout the Middle Ages and is still used today when a rough figure is required.
This work of 28 propositions is also addressed to Dositheus. The treatise defines what is now called the Archimedean spiral. It is the locus of points corresponding to the locations over time of a point moving away from a fixed point with a constant speed along a line which rotates with constant angular velocity. Equivalently, in polar coordinates (r, θ) it can be described by the equation
\, r=a+b\theta
with real numbers a and b. This is an early example of a mechanical curve (a curve traced by a moving point) considered by a Greek mathematician.
  • On the Sphere and the Cylinder (two volumes)
In this treatise addressed to Dositheus, Archimedes obtains the result of which he was most proud, namely the relationship between a sphere and a circumscribed cylinder of the same height and diameter. The volume is \tfrac{4}{3}\pi r^3 for the sphere, and r3 for the cylinder. The surface area is r2 for the sphere, and r2 for the cylinder (including its two bases), where r is the radius of the sphere and cylinder. The sphere has a volume and surface area two-thirds that of the cylinder. A sculpted sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request.
  • On Conoids and Spheroids
This is a work in 32 propositions addressed to Dositheus. In this treatise Archimedes calculates the areas and volumes of sections of cones, spheres, and paraboloids.
  • On Floating Bodies (two volumes)
In the first part of this treatise, Archimedes spells out the law of equilibrium of fluids, and proves that water will adopt a spherical form around a center of gravity. This may have been an attempt at explaining the theory of contemporary Greek astronomers such as Eratosthenes that the Earth is round. The fluids described by Archimedes are not self-gravitating, since he assumes the existence of a point towards which all things fall in order to derive the spherical shape.
Archimedes is commemorated on a Greek postage stamp from 1983.
Archimedes is commemorated on a Greek postage stamp from 1983.
In the second part, he calculates the equilibrium positions of sections of paraboloids. This was probably an idealization of the shapes of ships' hulls. Some of his sections float with the base under water and the summit above water, similar to the way that icebergs float. Archimedes' principle of buoyancy is given in the work, stated as follows:
Any body wholly or partially immersed in a fluid experiences an upthrust equal to, but opposite in sense to, the weight of the fluid displaced.
In this work of 24 propositions addressed to Dositheus, Archimedes proves by two methods that the area enclosed by a parabola and a straight line is 4/3 multiplied by the area of a triangle with equal base and height. He achieves this by calculating the value of a geometric series that sums to infinity with the ratio 1/4.
This is a dissection puzzle similar to a Tangram, and the treatise describing it was found in more complete form in the Archimedes Palimpsest. Archimedes calculates the areas of the 14 pieces which can be assembled to form a square. Research published by Dr. Reviel Netz of Stanford University in 2003 argued that Archimedes was attempting to determine how many ways the pieces could be assembled into the shape of a square. The figure given by Dr. Netz is that the pieces can be made into a square in 17,152 ways.[40] The number of arrangements is 536 when solutions that are equivalent by rotation and reflection have been excluded.[41] The puzzle represents an example of an early problem in combinatorics.
The origin of the puzzle's name is unclear, and it has been suggested it is taken from the Ancient Greek word for throat or gullet, stomachos (στόμαχος).[42] Ausonius refers to the puzzle as Ostomachion, a Greek compound word formed from the roots of ὀστέον (osteon - bone) and μάχη (machē - fight). The puzzle is also known as the Loculus of Archimedes or Archimedes' Box.[43]
This work was discovered by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in a Greek manuscript consisting of a poem of 44 lines, in the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, Germany in 1773. It is addressed to Eratosthenes and the mathematicians in Alexandria. Archimedes challenges them to count the numbers of cattle in the Herd of the Sun by solving a number of simultaneous Diophantine equations. There is a more difficult version of the problem in which some of the answers are required to be square numbers. This version of the problem was first solved by A. Amthor[44] in 1880, and the answer is a very large number, approximately 7.760271×10206544.[45]
In this treatise, Archimedes counts the number of grains of sand that will fit inside the universe. This book mentions the heliocentric theory of the solar system proposed by Aristarchus of Samos, contemporary ideas about the size of the Earth and the distance between various celestial bodies. By using a system of numbers based on powers of the myriad, Archimedes concludes that the number of grains of sand required to fill the universe is 8×1063 in modern notation. The introductory letter states that Archimedes' father was an astronomer named Phidias. The Sand Reckoner or Psammites is the only surviving work in which Archimedes discusses his views on astronomy.[46]
  • The Method of Mechanical Theorems
This treatise was thought lost until the discovery of the Archimedes Palimpsest in 1906. In this work Archimedes uses infinitesimals, and shows how breaking up a figure into an infinite number of infinitely small parts can be used to determine its area or volume. Archimedes may have considered this method lacking in formal rigor, so he also used the method of exhaustion to derive the results. As with The Cattle Problem, The Method of Mechanical Theorems was written in the form of a letter to Eratosthenes in Alexandria.

Apocryphal works

Archimedes' Book of Lemmas or Liber Assumptorum is a treatise with fifteen propositions on the nature of circles. The earliest known copy of the text is in Arabic. The scholars T. L. Heath and Marshall Clagett argued that it cannot have been written by Archimedes in its current form, since it quotes Archimedes, suggesting modification by another author. The Lemmas may be based on an earlier work by Archimedes that is now lost.[47]

It has also been claimed that Heron's formula for calculating the area of a triangle from the length of its sides was known to Archimedes.[c] However, the first reliable reference to the formula is given by Heron of Alexandria in the 1st century AD.[48]

Archimedes Palimpsest

Main article: Archimedes Palimpsest
Stomachion is a dissection puzzle in the Archimedes Palimpsest

The foremost document containing the work of Archimedes is the Archimedes Palimpsest. In 1906, the Danish professor Johan Ludvig Heiberg realized that a 174-page goatskin parchment of prayers written in the 13th century AD was in fact a palimpsest: the text was written over erased older work, which he identified as copies, written in the 10th century AD, of previously unknown treatises by Archimedes.[49] The parchment spent hundreds of years in a monastery library in Constantinople before being sold to a private collector in the 1920s. On October 29, 1998 it was sold at auction to an anonymous buyer for $2 million at Christie's in New York.[50] The palimpsest holds seven treatises, including the only surviving copy of On Floating Bodies in the original Greek. It is the only known source of the Method of Mechanical Theorems, referred to by Suidas and thought to have been lost forever. Stomachion was also discovered in the palimpsest, with a more complete analysis of the puzzle than had been found in previous texts. The palimpsest is now stored at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland, where it has been subjected to a range of modern tests including the use of ultraviolet and x-ray light to read the overwritten text.[51]

The treatises in the Archimedes Palimpsest are: On the Equilibrium of Planes, On Spirals, Measurement of a Circle, On the Sphere and the Cylinder, On Floating Bodies, The Method of Mechanical Theorems and Stomachion.


The Fields Medal carries a portrait of Archimedes.
The Fields Medal carries a portrait of Archimedes.

There is a crater on the Moon named Archimedes (29.7° N, 4.0° W) in his honor, and a lunar mountain range, the Montes Archimedes (25.3° N, 4.6° W).[52]

The asteroid 3600 Archimedes is named after him.[53]

The Fields Medal for outstanding achievement in mathematics carries a portrait of Archimedes, along with his proof concerning the sphere and the cylinder. The inscription around the head of Archimedes is a quote attributed to him which reads in Latin: "Transire suum pectus mundoque potiri" (Rise above oneself and grasp the world).[54]

Archimedes has appeared on postage stamps issued by East Germany (1973), Greece (1983), Italy (1983), Nicaragua (1971), San Marino (1982), and Spain (1963).[55]

The exclamation of Eureka! attributed to Archimedes is the state motto of California. In this instance the word refers to the discovery of gold near Sutter's Mill in 1848 which sparked the California Gold Rush.[56]

A movement for civic engagement targeting universal access to health care in the US state of Oregon has been named the "Archimedes Movement", headed by former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber.[57]

See also

Notes and references


a. ^ In the preface to On Spirals addressed to Dositheus of Pelusium, Archimedes says that "many years have elapsed since Conon's death." Conon of Samos lived c. 280–220 BC, suggesting that Archimedes may have been an older man when writing some of his works.

b. ^ The treatises by Archimedes known to exist only through references in the works of other authors are: On Sphere-Making and a work on polyhedra mentioned by Pappus of Alexandria; Catoptrica, a work on optics mentioned by Theon of Alexandria; Principles, addressed to Zeuxippus and explaining the number system used in The Sand Reckoner; On Balances and Levers; On Centers of Gravity; On the Calendar. Of the surviving works by Archimedes, T. L. Heath offers the following suggestion as to the order in which they were written: On the Equilibrium of Planes I, The Quadrature of the Parabola, On the Equilibrium of Planes II, On the Sphere and the Cylinder I, II, On Spirals, On Conoids and Spheroids, On Floating Bodies I, II, On the Measurement of a Circle, The Sand Reckoner.

c. ^ Boyer, Carl Benjamin A History of Mathematics (1991) ISBN 0471543977 "Arabic scholars inform us that the familiar area formula for a triangle in terms of its three sides, usually known as Heron's formula — k = √(s(sa)(sb)(sc)), where s is the semiperimeter — was known to Archimedes several centuries before Heron lived. Arabic scholars also attribute to Archimedes the 'theorem on the broken chord' … Archimedes is reported by the Arabs to have given several proofs of the theorem."



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